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i need food to lower blood sugar?

i always drink cola everyday and it backfired at me and raised blood sugar ,i need foods to lower blood sugar

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    to lower your blood sugar level, you can like exercise like jumping around, running etc, to lower your sugar level as it gets your heart pumping

    im 14 years old and was diagnsoed 9 months ago with type 1 :)

    Source(s): my doctors :)
  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Destroy Diabetes Starting Today :
  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    i need food to lower blood sugar?

    i always drink cola everyday and it backfired at me and raised blood sugar ,i need foods to lower blood sugar

    Source(s): food blood sugar:
  • 1 decade ago

    You will want to eat foods that have a low glycemic food index. Foods with a low glycemic index slowly release sugar into the body and as a result don't raise the blood as rapidly as cola.

    Foods that have lower than a 55 index very slowly raise blood sugar so if you stay with foods lower than this it will help you keep your blood sugar lower. Cola is pure sugar and has a glycemic index above 100.The link below will show you the index of foods and staying with those below 55 will help you lower your blood sugar.

    <a href="

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  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately, my friend, no food will actually lower your blood sugar (glucose) levels, though the following website, which misleadingly tell you there are, might prove useful to you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    liver (beef pork chicken)

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