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My air conditioner is not working?

Last year my air con has been making a sound it goes eeeekkkkkkk for about 5 secs,and then it will send warm air not cold,the sound it makes was supposed to be it sending cold,we tried cleaning it,it was still the same

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds to me like the fan motor shaft bearings need oil in the worst way, plus, the compressor is either not energizing or the thermostat control is no longer telling it to energize. There are still competent a/c techs that work on window units, but we are few and far between. The fix for yours is not an expensive one.

    Window units, like refrigerators have very very stringent quality control programs and almost never ever ever develop refrigerant leaks. (they do not want the EPA up their butt in the US)

    Source(s): a/c tech
  • 10 years ago

    sounds like it is going threw a deice stage but i need a better description of the run opeation and approx temps

  • 10 years ago

    the problem is it is out of freon for one reason or another it needs recharged but it would probably be cheaper too replace unless you know how too do it your self or know someone who can do it for you hope this helps and sorry

  • 10 years ago

    Evaporator coil probably needs to be replaced.

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