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Problem with my iMac, loading screen then shut down?

I was back from school and I came in my room to see my brother using it(6 yr old) now he screwed up my iMac, first it loads up casually, the white screen, the apple logo and the circle loading bar is there, and then after waiting for like 30 seconds it shuts down. Somethings not right and the technician(who visited once) said that its corrupted(and he's not really a repairman for Apple), is it true? or better yet, is there anyway to fix this?

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've sen that before. Man, all they tell you is to bring it to the Apple Store and they do some hocus pocus in the back-room. Operating system override or something. ;-)

    Its a permissions thing. When you turn on your Mac, hold down Option and you'll see a drive selector come up. You can restore it to manufactures configuration (but lose all your files). At least you'd be able to use the damn thing. Else, 1-800-MyApple (800-692-7753) and make an appointment at the Apple store.

    Source(s): I "might" work for Apple. Who knows?
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