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can someone tell me this song?

the music starts at 0:14

(i know i was looking for some keys,but lol,i knew it wouldn't work)

oh and i also know that this song is mostly hated amongst youtube,but i seem to like this song

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago

    Lux Aeterna by Clint Mansell

    The original song starts out slower and then works into the part where the music starts in that video. Is it hated among Youtube? I've never heard anything about anyone hating it. I personally love it, I first heard it in the movie Requiem for a Dream.

  • 10 years ago

    It's from the requiem for a dream soundtrack

    Lux Æterna:

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Lux Aeturna :D I love this song too.

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