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What would the world do if they received, contacted or have been openly visited by aliens for the first time?

If it ever happens...

8 Answers

  • Steve
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    knowing humans we would fight with each other for the right to talk with them, and then we would try to exploit them for all we can.

    we cant even be nice with other humans, we fight wars we leave some of our own starve to death, we let them die of sickness for which we have treatment... so if anybody here thinks we would not have an agenda with aliens I think you are all wrong.

    I wish it was different but sadly that is how I think it would be done.

  • Bob D1
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't know what the world would do, but I do know, with very high degree of certainty, what humans would do with advanced extraterrestrial technology, use it on their own just to see what would happen.

    There exists today, a classified technology that could advance humanity to the status of a class 1 or 2 civilization, or destroy all life on the planet. There are no defenses against the effects of this classified exotic based technology and its devastating effects upon the human body and/or immediate physical surroundings.

    Best regards

    Source(s): self
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It has happened it is just going to be about another 150 years for our response to make it to their planet. Check out the WoW signal.

    If they are intelligent then we are doomed, this planet is theirs. They would probably come off as peaceful but are really just playing us to get close. They know we would use nukes and ruin all the resources we have so they would just work around it. If an intelligent life is wandering around the solar system they are for a reason not for fun, and compared to them we would practically be monkeys, we would all be seen as idiots, so contact with any beings other than our own is highly dangerous.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Depends on how the 'aliens' first acts towards us. If they were proving to want to do us harm, we probably would take them as a threat and try to eliminate them. If we found that they were peaceful and were just curious, we'd probably take the opportunity to advance in science.

    Source(s): Hope this helps :)
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  • 8 years ago

    Probably attempt to make relations with them as diplomats, like organise trading or even alliances in the future. It wouldn't instantly be an all-out nuclear war like in films (unless of course they attack us).

  • 8 years ago

    depend upon the situation

  • Josh
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    "What would the world do if they received" ? Haha grammar mate .

  • 8 years ago

    They would say "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!"

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