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What sickness is this?

I got this last month.

I have dry coughs to normal coughs that happen a lot, like every 15-30 mins i cough.

By accident, I infected my classmates and relatives and they had the same.

Now, it wore off. Instead, I only cough when I laugh.

I think the only symptom I have is cough and when I cough too hard for too long I vomit.

I tried medicine and it only eased it a bit...

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Since you've had it for so long. I'd rule out a cold. Those generally run their course in a week,two at the most in young children and others with a lowered or impaired immune system.

    What color is your mucus or sputum if any? What color is it when you blow your nose?

    Basically if it's any color other than clear,it's an infection.

    Since you've had this for so long,I'd lead towards Bronchitis. Last time I had that,I was sick for nearly two months!

    *If it's a bacterial strain of Bronchitis,you may very well need antibiotics to fully clear it up.

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