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are bees,ants,and termites only?

are bees ants and termites are the only species with a colony that lives by the rule of queen?

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    In addition to Dancefly's examples, several mammal species live in groups that are dominated by an alpha female. Spotted hyenas do this, for example. So do bonobos and some lemur species.

    Not quite a queen/colony situation, but close.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Ants wont kill termites. Termites are horrible to have in your house. I bought a fixer-upper house that had termites. Price was great, termites not so great. The damage they did to this house cost me thousands of dollars to repair. I called Terminix and paid about $2,000 initially cause of the size of my large house. It was well worth it though. You wouldn't believe the damage. Carpenter ants will also do the same and eat your house. I suggest having a pro handle it. Treating it yourself is still going to cost alot of money. Termites live feet into the ground so they are more difficult to treat. Plus with a pro they guarentee your termites will be gone or they will pay for any new damage done. The first treatment will be costly depending on the footage of the outside of your house. But after that its not bad. I pay about $300 a year for my house and it is pretty big. Treat them now before they do more damage, they are quick and eat fast especially if you have 1,000's and 1,000's like I did. Good Luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Social wasps such as paper wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets live in colonies. Only a very few kinds of bees live in colonies. All ants and termites live in colonies. Meerkats and naked mole rats live in colonies with a sort of queen.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. First up, the queen doesn't rule. Sociality is far more subtle. Second, there are lots of other social insects or near-social insects and don't forget the naked mole rats.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    And, y'know, humans.

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