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if 1000 t-rex,950 spino,700 gigantosaurus,4000 velociraptors were locked in a fight,who would win in the fight?


this IS SO IMPOSSIBLE of course,i want to go even with my friend with his knowledge of primitive wars


oops forgot to tell these animals are TEAMED TO THEIR OWN KIND

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Here goes,

    First the Velociraptors would run out of there (or appear to) and the big guys would take the field. Spinosaurs would have the biggest disadvantage with weaker jaws and that big target of a sail on their backs. Even though Spiny is the biggest, they'd get ripped out fast.

    Next, the Giganotos would face the Rexes. Both have been found with members of their own kind when excavated, suggesting that both are pack hunters.Though the Giganotos are bigger, its not by much when you get to that size. The T-rexes would use their numbers to finish this off.

    Finally... the real winner (with the brains) would step out, nearly at full force, and wipe out the t-rex under thousands of cutting claws. Though small a velociraptor was found fighting to the death with its prey. This kind of blood lust along with brains would carry the day.

    Source(s): Dinosaur encyclopedia
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no such thing as a 'Gigantosaurus'. You mean Giganotosaurus. A subtle difference, I admit.

    Giganotosaurus was somewhat larger and presumably stronger than Tyrannosaurus, but T. rex was undoubtedly more advanced. Its brain was considerably larger, for one thing.

    Velociraptor was actually quite small, about three feet tall. It would have posed little to no threat to any of the other predators listed.

    While Spinosaurus is the largest land predator that we know of in length (about 60 feet versus the 45 feet of the Tyrannosaurus) its build was much lankier; it could easily have been outweighed by the Tyrannosaurus. Also its jaw was not suited to 'combat', while the Tyrannosaurus' skull was quite massive, almost like a ram.

    But the scenario you propose is very outlandish. For instance it assumes none of the animals will attack their own kind.

    In any case... In my opinion, of these four species, the Tyrannosaurus is the most dangerous.

  • John R
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    John Cena.

  • 1 decade ago

    700 gigantosaurus. OBVIOUS!!!!! :-)

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