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Elfred asked in HealthAlternative Medicine · 10 years ago

i need help with my poop?

awhile ago i pooped and when i took a look at it i saw one part is brown while the other is red,im scared in the fact that it might be blood,i have dry cough(which happens occasionally when its cold,when im too tired,when i laugh)im pretty sure its not ulser because ive been eating well,ive been eating meat pizza(with lots of ketchup) and spaghetti in the past few hours,so is it ketchup or blood?


im not trolling

3 Answers

  • kartua
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Blood comes out black. Have you taken a lot of iron tablets lately?

    Source(s): Native American Shaman
  • 10 years ago

    ketchup has never done that to me. lay off any red foods and see what happens. any chance you might have hemorrhoids? sometimes they cause bleeding. any blood on toilet paper? bright red is fresh, dark is old blood. see a doc if it keeps happening. something could be going on.

  • 10 years ago

    Your gonna die a cruel death

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