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Is Torment good? (sequel of Fallen)?

I'm about to finish Fallen and I want to know if the next book is interesting or not before I go borrow it from the library. I just want to read everyone's opinion before I decide to read it or not.


3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh, I am currently reading Torment (nearing the ending), and I think that it is by far better than Fallen. I really enjoy how a new cast of characters are introduced, each with their own secrets. I just think that Torment is more mysterious, with the characters and setting than the first one. Also, I like that Torment doesn't focus as much on God and his angels, because I'm not a very religious person. I'm more along the lines of Agnostic/Atheist, but not a full atheist. I believe there are some gods, not one singular god. Anyway, yes. I like that it shows Lucinda's previous lives, and how she adventures more than she did in Fallen. She goes to a few places to discover her past lives, and I just loved reading about it. I especially enjoy the secrets she uncovers. But, if you have yet to read it, I won't spoil it for you.

    So, I think that you should read Torment. It's worth it, and it's a better read than the first book. By far, actually. She discovers more about the Announcers, her own past, more about the Fall and what not. I think that Torment may be the highlight of the Fallen Series. You should read it. But, a warning, the beginning is very boring and slow, but it gets very interesting after three or four chapters.

    Source(s): Reader, Ater Anguis
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Yes. I enjoyed Torment, but not as much as Fallen. Passion was pretty okay. I couldn't make it through Rapture.

  • 8 years ago

    Yeah it's good. I've read the entire series. Although my favourite one is the last one. Torment is quite a good read. I think you should carry on with the series. : )

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