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  • I'm starting to lose interest in my University course, what should I do?

    I'm in second year university and in my first year, I was somewhat interested in my subject. Half of the subjects did bore me while the other half I enjoyed a lot, but either way I understood what I was doing and I knew how to do those courses. Now in Second year, I started a new semester and realised that I am actually not finding any interest in the courses. I do not understand what we are even learning and I do not have any motivation to study. I am starting to worry that law isn't for me or that it's normal. I can't even tell anyone what we are learning in any of courses.

    I feel like maybe I am behaving like this because I recently discovered I have severe iron deficiency and because of that, I would have lack of concentration in that and so on. But it could also mean I'm just in general losing interest in law.

    Last year, I have been stressing out whether becoming a lawyer is for me and was anxious about the future. At that time I did enjoy the subject and manage to convince myself to keep going and discover whether I like it or not when I start working. Now, I'm starting to worry the same as I have no interest in the subjects I'm currently learning and that this course is becoming too hard for me considering I am not understanding what I am even learning.

    Is this normal? I'm not sure. It's probably nothing but I feel like I need an explanation anyways to justify why I am feeling like this so much.

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • Elizabethan's reaction to William Shakespeare's love poems?

    As I researched, during the Elizabethan era love was considered foolish, an impractical emotion hence love marriages were considered irrational. But during the Elizabethan era, what did they think of all of Shakespeare's love sonnets? Did they hate it? Did they like it due to the fact it was something exciting?

    3 AnswersPoetry7 years ago
  • What is "The First" and "Capital" in Latin?

    When I mean by "The First" I meant something like "The First City"

    and I mean "Capital" as "Capital City"

    2 AnswersLanguages7 years ago
  • Attachment image

    Need help to create a title!?

    I'm writing a story and I'm having trouble with coming up with the title. I want the title not to be to cliche or long and I'd like it to be unique and short. So below is the summary of the story:

    The story is placed six centuries from now. In that time, humans are hiding in fear behind the city walls that are 250m high, made out of concrete and the society is partiarchal. The humans are actually hiding away from emotionless demons since they suck the humans soul from you body. After your soul being sucked away, you go into a deep sleep for a month then you slowly transform into a creature (like werewolf, warlock, banshee, vampire, etc.) depending on your personality.

    At the beginning of the novel, the leader (like the president of the human kind in US) had captured a demon and they interrogate him to make him say where the rest of his demon friends were hiding. The leader then sends a group of soldiers to find the demons to fight instead of hiding away with fear.

    So, the story is based in the perspective of a seventeen year-old girl named Ana, and her father is a soldier that left to hunt the demons. However, when the soldiers returned, she sees that Ana's father returns being carried as he is in deep sleep. In other words, his soul has been consumed.

    Later, Ana meets the captured demon who sent the soldier's to a trap and they made a deal. The demon says that there is still a chance for Ana to get her father's soul back before he turns into a creature but she has to convince the leader to have the demon let out. Ana tells the leader about the information the demon has told her.

    The leader then decides to gather a group of soldiers, Ana's brother included, to go get the soul back however they took the demon along with him. Ana manages to convince the Leader for her to come along even though she was a woman and was not allowed to go on these sorts of journeys.

    So, Ana goes on this journey with a bunch of soldiers and a demon she couldn't even trust. But it didn't help that the demons knew that they were coming.

    Any ideas?

    P.S. they eye below is the demons eye - to tell them apart from a human and a demon.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Need help to create a title!?

    I need help with a title for a novel I am writing but I'm having problems with coming up with the title. It's a supernatural type of story; so something similar to City of Bones, Hush Hush, Fallen and other novels similar to that. I'd like it to be something catchy and something easy to remember... also I would like it to be unique.

    Here is the summary:

    The novel begins in 1973 in London where two angels meet. The first angel announces that the curator (the finder in latin) is soon to be born, meaning that the world will soon be in danger or a war will be held on Earth. The curator's role is to find the guardian (protector of human kind) before the time runs out. Unfortunately, the angels do not know what the guardian nor the curator looks like, however they believe that guardian is a male.

    Present time: Emma Emerson moves to Washington to start a new life with her father. Wishing to have a quiet peaceful life, turns out to be the complete opposite. She meets a mysterious classmate who tends to be very quiet and anti-social and is forced to be his lab partner named Daniel. After a fire incident in the lab, Emma sees a man wearing a white suit standing in the corner of the room, looking calm. After the fire, she begins to see the man more and the man notices that she could see him.

    The man later confronts her saying that he's a warrior of god (an angel) and that considering that she could see him whereas no one else can means that she's more than human. He starts to believe that she might be the curator and she is close and encountering with the guardian. Later on in the novel, the angel and Emma begin to believe that Daniel may be the Guardian after seeing him do things no other human, angel, demon or other sorts of creature of the darkness could.

    At the end of the novel it turns out that Daniel is not the guardian as he is a forbidden child, a child that has an angel and a demon as parents. Soon turns out that Emma was the guardian the whole time since she was the one who stopped the war from happening with the guardian's power.

    If you guys want more information, like the roles of the curator, guardian and all please tell me and I will tell you. But other than that, hope you can think of a title!


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Good name for this story..?

    Julie Emerson buys a fairy tale novel and a crystal necklace for her nephew's birthday. Her friend Amelia and her goes down to his birthday party and gives him the present. As he wears the necklace that one night and read the first passage while Julie and Amelia in the same room. Julie and Amelia suddenly vanish. They wake up in a world where magic and fairy tale creatures exist.

    Need a name for this novel and a name for the fairy tale book.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • What is singularity? (Physic question)?

    I searched it up on the internet and when I read them I do not get them. My dad say that singularity is a single particle or atom. I just want a simple definition and something that I would be able to understand. Is my father wrong or right? And if he is wrong, what is it?

    7 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • need help with title..!?

    I'm writing a story for a long time but I haven't gotten the title of the story worked out yet. I would appreciate it if any of you can suggest some for me. The story is a fantasy sort of story so... yeah. :P

    Here's the plot:

    Julie Mercer, a shy and sweet teenager, moves to Crossnight Boarding School with her step-brother Derek. After a fire in the school, Julie sees a man in a white suit in the other side of the room (of the fire) acting natural. Soon she finds out there was no man other then the teacher and student in the room and no sign of anyone dying in the fire. Later Julie sees the same man somewhere else and notices she's the only one who could see him. Thinking she's gone crazy she tries to pretend she doesn't see anything.

    At a party she was almost attacked by a creature with long fangs, planning on biting her but next thing she knows, she flips the human sort creature and soon finds out that she isn't exactly human since it's impossible for any regular human to flip a 'vampire'.

    The story goes on and she finds out that she is a Guardian Angel which it's her duty to protect people from Vampire's, Werewolves, Witches, trolls, you name it. The man she sees turns out to be an angel and much to his dismay he is her messenger, someone who deliver's missions to the Guardian angel.

    There more to it but I can't be really bothered writing it all. I thought giving you a lot of details would help you think of an idea therefore that "plot" above isn't really a plot.

    So any ideas?????

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Perfect song to suit this story line?

    I want to make a book trailer for one of my story but I can't really find the perfect song that fits the story line. It's called 'The Perfect Deal' and the summary is below!

    Here is the summary:

    Charlotte Scott, the school nobody, makes a deal with Mr Popular that he helps her to make her crush get with her and in return she gives him an invites to the hottest party in New York City.

    Do you know any appropriate songs that suits this story?

    5 AnswersLyrics8 years ago
  • Need help with female character name!?

    I'm creating a story about a young teenage girl who happens to be a guardian and I need help for her name. Here is a little description of the Guardian:

    o Guardian – protector of the humans. One in each generation. Created by God to protect humans from the Devil created creatures. When in full power (unlikely to happen) they can move things by their minds. And when they are using the power, their eyes go electric blue.

    Now in the story they are most likely be described as Angelic people but yet have a dangerous side in them. I don't want anything that's very very unique, but something very pretty but yet says don't mess with me.

    I came up with Sienna and Audrey but I don't know if they work so well for the character.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Can people please read my story?

    I haven't finished yet, but I've been posting it on It's called Tutoring Mr Possessive. It's one of those teenage romance type novels, so if anyone is interested please read the summary and if you still like it, please press the link and read it :)

    SUMMARY: When Miss Perfect is forced to tutor the schools bad boy, she fears the worst. But when she realises he’s not that bad after he saved her from a bunch crazy hormonal boys but soon finds out that he believes that she belongs to him.


    2 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Is Torment good? (sequel of Fallen)?

    I'm about to finish Fallen and I want to know if the next book is interesting or not before I go borrow it from the library. I just want to read everyone's opinion before I decide to read it or not.


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Help with story title!!?

    I need a title for one of my stories. I haven't thought of a perfect name for it yet and I don't want anything cheesy.


    Victoria Benson is the daughter of the CIA chief. She's known about her father work ever since she was eight and wanted to become a CIA agent ever since. When she turned 17, she got her FIRST mission as a undercover high school student and to protect the mayor of Washington DC's son (who happens to the most annoying, big headed jerks and a bully in school). Only thing is that she's not going to a regular high school, she's going to an all-boys school and has to go undercover as a guy.

    Got any ideas? If you need more info please tell me what it is and i'll answer it straight away!!

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • Why are carbohydrates in soft drinks?

    I am doing an EEI on party drinks and I have to find out why Carbohydrates are in drinks and what does it do. Thanks :D

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks9 years ago
  • Where can I buy Camu Camu powder in Australia?

    Is there any specific shops that they WILL sell Camu Camu powder?

    2 AnswersOther - Australia9 years ago
  • Which actress suits to be a rebellious teenager?

    I guess the title says it all but I just want a teenager that would look like a girl between the age of 16 to 19.

    And when I mean by rebellious, I mean a girl who likes to pull pranks and likes to do the crazy stuff... but she has to look intelligent at least and slightly nice.

    2 AnswersCelebrities9 years ago
  • Ideas to write about a true story?

    For my English class we have to write a creative story based on a true story, but from the top of my mind I can't think of any. Do you guys?

    All ideas are welcomed!

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • Need Help to make a title!?


    On December 21, 2012 the world has been taken over vampires after they’ve attacked. Now all the survivors in each country stay in a walled city and hide during the night in their homes, not making one noise and ever use light. Humans only search for food during the day since it’s the only time they won’t get attacked by a vampire, but there is chance they’d get attacked by another creature of the darkness.

    Michael Carter, the leader of Crossnight City (the best protected city in the world) has disappeared. His daughter Peyton Carter is the only one who is determined to find him but no one would help her since they’re too afraid to cross the walls of Crossnight. Peyton decides to travel on her own and not afraid of vampires since she was taught how to fight secretively by a Warrior.

    Peyton’s adventure begins as she travels through deserted towns and city and discovers things she couldn’t believe. She finds friends and she finds love. But that’s not the only thing she finds.

    Genre: Action/Vampire/Adventure/Thriller/Mystery

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • I need help with a title for my book!?

    Ally (a seventeen year old teenager) has no clue that her father is a secret agent. One day Ally comes back from school and to find her father missing. She spots a strange man sitting in the lounge room claiming that he has her father as hostage.

    The man, Rufus, declares that if Ally wants to see her father again, alive, she'll have to get something for him which is extremely hard to get. Rufus wants the Book of the Dead (an Egyptian book) so he can raise an army of the dead to rule the world.

    Even though Ally is not qualified to do something like this she searches for the book and bumps into an Assassin who wants the same thing. They decide to work on it together and kill one or the other once they got the book.

    But since everyone suspects Ally to fail and die at the end, they never once realized that her father has trained her in case of emergencies.

    Genre: Mystery, Romance, Action, Adventure.

    I like for you guys to pick out what sort of two genres I should put down this as and what the title should be! Thanks!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What do you call someone who is hired to find stuff?

    For example: In the movie Lara Croft: Tomb Raider's, they wanted to hire her to find something... is there any other name for it other than a tomb raider?

    2 AnswersOther - Arts & Humanities9 years ago