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Can people please read my story?

I haven't finished yet, but I've been posting it on It's called Tutoring Mr Possessive. It's one of those teenage romance type novels, so if anyone is interested please read the summary and if you still like it, please press the link and read it :)

SUMMARY: When Miss Perfect is forced to tutor the schools bad boy, she fears the worst. But when she realises he’s not that bad after he saved her from a bunch crazy hormonal boys but soon finds out that he believes that she belongs to him.


2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Interesting! I hope you'll write more. I'll be waiting for the next chapter :)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You really need to work on your grammar, spelling, etc. Use a dictionary and a thesaurus.

    I never like anything that has one character "belonging" to another....especially when it comes to teen novellas.

    "Crazy, hormonal boys?" Umm...everyone has hormones. It doesn't mean they're crazy. Try some other way of describing people, situations, etc.

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