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Need help to create a title!?

I need help with a title for a novel I am writing but I'm having problems with coming up with the title. It's a supernatural type of story; so something similar to City of Bones, Hush Hush, Fallen and other novels similar to that. I'd like it to be something catchy and something easy to remember... also I would like it to be unique.

Here is the summary:

The novel begins in 1973 in London where two angels meet. The first angel announces that the curator (the finder in latin) is soon to be born, meaning that the world will soon be in danger or a war will be held on Earth. The curator's role is to find the guardian (protector of human kind) before the time runs out. Unfortunately, the angels do not know what the guardian nor the curator looks like, however they believe that guardian is a male.

Present time: Emma Emerson moves to Washington to start a new life with her father. Wishing to have a quiet peaceful life, turns out to be the complete opposite. She meets a mysterious classmate who tends to be very quiet and anti-social and is forced to be his lab partner named Daniel. After a fire incident in the lab, Emma sees a man wearing a white suit standing in the corner of the room, looking calm. After the fire, she begins to see the man more and the man notices that she could see him.

The man later confronts her saying that he's a warrior of god (an angel) and that considering that she could see him whereas no one else can means that she's more than human. He starts to believe that she might be the curator and she is close and encountering with the guardian. Later on in the novel, the angel and Emma begin to believe that Daniel may be the Guardian after seeing him do things no other human, angel, demon or other sorts of creature of the darkness could.

At the end of the novel it turns out that Daniel is not the guardian as he is a forbidden child, a child that has an angel and a demon as parents. Soon turns out that Emma was the guardian the whole time since she was the one who stopped the war from happening with the guardian's power.

If you guys want more information, like the roles of the curator, guardian and all please tell me and I will tell you. But other than that, hope you can think of a title!


1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maybe something simplistic like:

    The Curator

    Find the Angel

    The Guardian's Power


    Seeing Angel Wings

    More Than Human

    Perhaps find a significant object or theme reappearing throughout the novel and use that? Good Luck :)

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