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I'm starting to lose interest in my University course, what should I do?

I'm in second year university and in my first year, I was somewhat interested in my subject. Half of the subjects did bore me while the other half I enjoyed a lot, but either way I understood what I was doing and I knew how to do those courses. Now in Second year, I started a new semester and realised that I am actually not finding any interest in the courses. I do not understand what we are even learning and I do not have any motivation to study. I am starting to worry that law isn't for me or that it's normal. I can't even tell anyone what we are learning in any of courses.

I feel like maybe I am behaving like this because I recently discovered I have severe iron deficiency and because of that, I would have lack of concentration in that and so on. But it could also mean I'm just in general losing interest in law.

Last year, I have been stressing out whether becoming a lawyer is for me and was anxious about the future. At that time I did enjoy the subject and manage to convince myself to keep going and discover whether I like it or not when I start working. Now, I'm starting to worry the same as I have no interest in the subjects I'm currently learning and that this course is becoming too hard for me considering I am not understanding what I am even learning.

Is this normal? I'm not sure. It's probably nothing but I feel like I need an explanation anyways to justify why I am feeling like this so much.

1 Answer

  • 5 years ago

    If you are starting to lose interest then you should drop it. Its pointless to learn something that is boring you and not challenging you in anyway. I'm taking business administration- accounting online to get into fashion buying since it seems interesting to me and i'm confident in business math and i also looked into taking a personality quiz on Buzzfeed and I got matched up with fashion editing but i find it mind numbing. The thing is everyday your interests change so just focus on something that you enjoy and take interest in. This isn't the end of the world if you don't take interest in law anymore fine change it and move on. You can always look into something else you're not going to be in the same career forever. I heard Law school is difficult. Thus, If you do decide to go this route even if you find it boring you should double check on the job prospects. Make sure you have a job coming out of it.

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