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need help with title..!?

I'm writing a story for a long time but I haven't gotten the title of the story worked out yet. I would appreciate it if any of you can suggest some for me. The story is a fantasy sort of story so... yeah. :P

Here's the plot:

Julie Mercer, a shy and sweet teenager, moves to Crossnight Boarding School with her step-brother Derek. After a fire in the school, Julie sees a man in a white suit in the other side of the room (of the fire) acting natural. Soon she finds out there was no man other then the teacher and student in the room and no sign of anyone dying in the fire. Later Julie sees the same man somewhere else and notices she's the only one who could see him. Thinking she's gone crazy she tries to pretend she doesn't see anything.

At a party she was almost attacked by a creature with long fangs, planning on biting her but next thing she knows, she flips the human sort creature and soon finds out that she isn't exactly human since it's impossible for any regular human to flip a 'vampire'.

The story goes on and she finds out that she is a Guardian Angel which it's her duty to protect people from Vampire's, Werewolves, Witches, trolls, you name it. The man she sees turns out to be an angel and much to his dismay he is her messenger, someone who deliver's missions to the Guardian angel.

There more to it but I can't be really bothered writing it all. I thought giving you a lot of details would help you think of an idea therefore that "plot" above isn't really a plot.

So any ideas?????

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    It's an interesting story.

    it's really imaginative.

    I think I may be able to suggest a few titles.

    Is it going to be a stand alone book or is it a series?

    The Guardian Awakens

    Rise of the Guardians

    Way of the Guardians

    From it's Ashes: The Guardian Arises

    Heaven and Hell: Preserver of Humanity

    Sentinel Supernatural: The Rise

    Heaven's Heroes: The Guardian Angels

    Angels and Guardians

    Caretaker of Civilization, Death of the Demons

    Hellbent on Heaven's Justice

    Invisible Guardians for Visible Foes

    Source(s): My great mind! I would like to read it. It's sound really interesting.
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