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I need help with a title for my book!?

Ally (a seventeen year old teenager) has no clue that her father is a secret agent. One day Ally comes back from school and to find her father missing. She spots a strange man sitting in the lounge room claiming that he has her father as hostage.

The man, Rufus, declares that if Ally wants to see her father again, alive, she'll have to get something for him which is extremely hard to get. Rufus wants the Book of the Dead (an Egyptian book) so he can raise an army of the dead to rule the world.

Even though Ally is not qualified to do something like this she searches for the book and bumps into an Assassin who wants the same thing. They decide to work on it together and kill one or the other once they got the book.

But since everyone suspects Ally to fail and die at the end, they never once realized that her father has trained her in case of emergencies.

Genre: Mystery, Romance, Action, Adventure.

I like for you guys to pick out what sort of two genres I should put down this as and what the title should be! Thanks!


Oh, another genre is fantasy. I forgot to add :P

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ~ The Book of The Dead

    ~ Ally's Secret Misssion

    ~ A Family Secret

    ~ Like Father, Like Daughter

    ~ A Daughter's Journey

    ~ Daughters Learn From Their Fathers

    idk , something like that. :)

    hope this helped inspire some sort of title in you. :)

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