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Need help to create a title!?

I'm writing a story and I'm having trouble with coming up with the title. I want the title not to be to cliche or long and I'd like it to be unique and short. So below is the summary of the story:

The story is placed six centuries from now. In that time, humans are hiding in fear behind the city walls that are 250m high, made out of concrete and the society is partiarchal. The humans are actually hiding away from emotionless demons since they suck the humans soul from you body. After your soul being sucked away, you go into a deep sleep for a month then you slowly transform into a creature (like werewolf, warlock, banshee, vampire, etc.) depending on your personality.

At the beginning of the novel, the leader (like the president of the human kind in US) had captured a demon and they interrogate him to make him say where the rest of his demon friends were hiding. The leader then sends a group of soldiers to find the demons to fight instead of hiding away with fear.

So, the story is based in the perspective of a seventeen year-old girl named Ana, and her father is a soldier that left to hunt the demons. However, when the soldiers returned, she sees that Ana's father returns being carried as he is in deep sleep. In other words, his soul has been consumed.

Later, Ana meets the captured demon who sent the soldier's to a trap and they made a deal. The demon says that there is still a chance for Ana to get her father's soul back before he turns into a creature but she has to convince the leader to have the demon let out. Ana tells the leader about the information the demon has told her.

The leader then decides to gather a group of soldiers, Ana's brother included, to go get the soul back however they took the demon along with him. Ana manages to convince the Leader for her to come along even though she was a woman and was not allowed to go on these sorts of journeys.

So, Ana goes on this journey with a bunch of soldiers and a demon she couldn't even trust. But it didn't help that the demons knew that they were coming.

Any ideas?

P.S. they eye below is the demons eye - to tell them apart from a human and a demon.

Attachment image

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    How about:

    - Lost Souls

    - Awakening

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