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Need help with female character name!?

I'm creating a story about a young teenage girl who happens to be a guardian and I need help for her name. Here is a little description of the Guardian:

o Guardian – protector of the humans. One in each generation. Created by God to protect humans from the Devil created creatures. When in full power (unlikely to happen) they can move things by their minds. And when they are using the power, their eyes go electric blue.

Now in the story they are most likely be described as Angelic people but yet have a dangerous side in them. I don't want anything that's very very unique, but something very pretty but yet says don't mess with me.

I came up with Sienna and Audrey but I don't know if they work so well for the character.

4 Answers

  • xoxo
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Alexandra means protector of mankind. Y ou could do Alexa, Lexi, Xandra, Andi, etc.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago



    Ange? (Pronounce an-jee)










  • Anonymous
    8 years ago







    Hoped I helped. Im writing a book too:)

    Source(s): Just popped into my good ol' brain... Btw, i think nanou means child of god-its also french:D
  • 8 years ago

    the first thing that came to mind was feminising or "alternativising" biblical names.

    like an example would be michael-michelle.

    or like changing letters (mica-mika alex-aleks)

    thats just an example but i'm sure you can find something better.

    this could help

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