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Help with story title!!?

I need a title for one of my stories. I haven't thought of a perfect name for it yet and I don't want anything cheesy.


Victoria Benson is the daughter of the CIA chief. She's known about her father work ever since she was eight and wanted to become a CIA agent ever since. When she turned 17, she got her FIRST mission as a undercover high school student and to protect the mayor of Washington DC's son (who happens to the most annoying, big headed jerks and a bully in school). Only thing is that she's not going to a regular high school, she's going to an all-boys school and has to go undercover as a guy.

Got any ideas? If you need more info please tell me what it is and i'll answer it straight away!!

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What? You can't think of a title? Is it copyright infringement? That must be why. Otherwise you'd know to name it "Victoria's Secret."

    Well I suppose you could name it "Under the Uniform" or "Water Boy in Lingerie" (she could pose as the water boy), or "Victoria Incognito."

    Hmm, let me think some more.

    "Just Like My Dad - But Pink"

    "Killer Assignment"

    "My First Time" (okay, that's cheesy, sorry)

    "Don't Pick on the Bully"

    Hey, are you going for serious here? Deadly sounding? Is your emphasis more that it's her first one, that she's following in her dad's footsteps, or that she's a girl in a boy's school?

    BTW, great story line.

    How about, "Never the Locker Room" (cause then they'd know)

    "Deadly Daughter"

    "CIA in Lingerie"

  • 8 years ago

    Cross-Dressing Undercover

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The undercover spy.


    Fine, how about...

    The dummy's guide to surviving as a high school agent in disguise.

    Too long?

    What about...

    High school: not just gossip dangerous

    Yeah I'm out of ideas :P

    Hope this helped :)

    -- Annie

  • 8 years ago

    trouble for duty...or...becareful for undercover

  • 17 and testosteronal/testosterone-something

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