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Lv 6
BOSS asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

Can someone help me out with coping methods?

Hi everyone. I've been having a hard time with life (I'm putting it lightly) and I am constantly at war with myself, trying to keep my head up and keeping certain troubling thoughts out of my head. The problem is the house I live in is saturated with negativity and it's hard to get better in this kind of environment. I keep running into dead ends with trying to find a job, I'm still looking, but I can't move out until I've got money saved up. So my question is, can anyone offer me some healthy coping methods. I listen to music and meditate and some times I paint, but that's all I've got versus what feels like the weight of the world. I can't talk to anyone in my house, they all might as well be deaf, I can't talk to my friends, I'm not in high school so I have no counselor (lot of help she was anyway >:{) and I can't get to, nor afford, a therapist. You can see why I need help. Serious answers please, I really don't have a clue what to do. Thanks in advance :)

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    One thing that helps me a lot is reading. Books can take me to a totally different world and they are my best friends. Another thing that you may want to consider is finding people who are in the same situation. You said you are going through a tough time but did not choose to explain exactly what's happening and that's totally up to you but trust me, you can always find others in similar situations and therefore, see what they come up with as solutions. Talk to friends. I find that being around others helps me a lot. I don't necessarily talk to them about my problems but just being around cheerful people, speaking about nothing serious helps me a lot.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Ignoring whether or not it's a sin, thinking about suicide is a terrible coping method, and is a sign that you need professional help. If you feel that prayer eases the pain that you're feeling then I'd suggest that you continue to do it, but that alone is not enough. Seek a counselor, psychiatrist, or both. Even if you don't feel that you'll ever do it, you should still try to get help. I used to think that way, too, I'd think about suicide quite often, but also felt that I wouldn't never actually go through with it. That was before I made an attempt. "how are suicidal thoughts coping methods.." I actually think it's a fairly common coping method for people dealing with depression. It's essentially fantasizing about a way that you could escape from feeling the way you do, and you think about how much better it would be if you actually did it. Some people think about how a nice beach vacation would ease their stress, some people think about how ending their life would do the same. Either way, it's unhealthy, and can lead to actual suicide.

  • 8 years ago

    Im going threw a super hard time in life to. I don't really have anyone to talk to and i have been to counslers and they dont help very much. I would recomend finding something you enjoy (like painting) and focus on that. What ever it is that is giving you such grief rember your not alone their are thousands of people that have it worse. I know that sounds stupid but some times i feel better looking at the bigger picture.....people loose their homes and familys in floods and other disasters sometimes their whole city and manage to pick up and move on. So my life sucks and I have a lot of battles ahead of me but if those people cans survive and be okay im sure you and I both can make it threw our challenges

  • DeAnne
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Coping is hard and calls for a two-step approach:

    1. If you’re a teen, remember that the teen years are the absolutely worst time of your life.

    I'm surprised any of us survive it. You are suffering so many issues (no wonder) and from the

    effects of accumulated stress. Your body and mind are trying to cope but ... it's hard.

    United Way may know of free therapy resources.

    Church counselors are usually happy to help and may know of jobs.

    A therapist can prescribe appropriate medications to help you get better.

    With the right meds, you will be much better and feel normal.

    You won’t get well by yourself and, by ignoring it, it will only get worse.

    2. But therapy and meds can do only so much. God knows all about you and won't charge

    you a thing. He is the ONLY one who knows what you’re thinking, how you’ve struggled and what you’re going thru. He loves you passionately and wants to be your BFF. He has a super-deluxe custom-made plan for your life that’s beyond anything you ever dreamed of.

    BUT He waits for us to ask. Invite Him into your heart, ask Him to take over your life. You will instantly feel better. You are His special masterpiece. He planned for you before He even created the universe.

    Watch Him ease the stress and give you peace in it's place. He is on YOUR side. He never stops thinking about you. His thoughts toward you are more than the grains of sand on the beach (Psalm 139). He loves you more than you can possibly imagine!

    Find a big happy church and join some groups. Get a bible that’s easy to read (New King James is good) and read it every day. Find Christian support groups. Watch Christian programs like Joel Osteen, 700 Club, Daystar, TBN TV. Read Christian books, watch Christian DVDs.

    All the above and churches also have wonderful counselors that can help you.

    There's so much fascinating information to learn. Jesus loves you more than you can possibly imagine. You’ll have fun and the rest of your life will be the very best of your life.

    Since the bible is the best-selling book of all time, nobody can claim to have even

    a basic education without having read and studied it.

    I hope this helps; it sure made a huge difference for me :)

    They who seek The Lord shall not lack any good thing. Ps. 34:10

    Delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD, Trust also in Him, And He shall bring it to pass. Ps 37:4-6

    Pour out your heart to Him (Ps 62:8) Nothing you say will shock or surprise God.

    "No one has seen, heard or even imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 cor 2:9 WOW!

    United Way may know of some free therapy resources.

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