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For the most part, I'm a writer but I dabble in painting and I want to open my own restaurant one day.

  • What do you think about child-free restaurants?

    I'm doing some research on the subject and right now I just want to collect some ideas and thoughts from every day people on the matter. Child-free restaurants are restaurants that do not allow children of a specified age to be patrons, what are your thoughts on that. Are you for or against them? Please state why? Don't worry about long responses if you find yourself ranting, I want to hear different points of view. Thank you in advance :)

    7 AnswersOther - Dining Out7 years ago
  • I'm looking for insight. Will anyone offer some?

    Hello. Sometimes, when I answer a question on YA, I put my e-mail address so that the asker can contact me if they need to talk. I do this when I am worried about their well being or if they want to ask for follow up advice. That being said, a few months ago I offered my e-mail address to one person who was suicidal because I hoped to be at least one positive factor in their life by talking to them, caring, and listening (offering advice when needed), and just being a friend. It was going well for a while, but then I got to know the real them and it turned very, very ugly. To put it simply, I finally managed to pull the proverbial knife from my back.

    Now I am at war with myself, emotion versus reason, on whether I should keep trying to "save the world." Emotion says I should not let one bad experience keep me from helping who I can however I can when that person is in need. Reason says I am not a professional in these matters, my own happiness and well being matters too so I should not subject myself to abuses or ill treatment. And since I don't have psychic abilities, I can't know which cases will result in abuses (like the one I mentioned above) so I just should not involve myself in any cases.

    I don't want to be one of those people who is cold and says things like, "Survival of the fittest," "every man for himself," "it's a dog eat dog world," and not do anything for anyone. But I don't want to be one of those people who gets trampled upon for having a big heart. I know there is a balance but right now I can't see it. If anyone could offer some insight into my problem, maybe someone has had a similar issue, that would be great. Thank you much :)

    11 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Food service managers, would you answer some questions?


    I am an aspiring entrepreneur, I want to go into the restaurant business. I am currently in college taking classes to achieve this goal and for one of my classes I have been assigned to ask a manager any five questions I might have about being a manager. Because I will be going into business for myself, I would prefer managers who have started their own small food business, but you it's okay if you didn't. I was hoping someone would do some back and forth through emails so that I could complete this assignment. If you could give your line of work and an email address I would really appreciate it. Thank you in advance!

    2 AnswersSmall Business8 years ago
  • Does God answer prayers?

    First off, I am agnostic, but I don't think I was always. When I was little, my family (not immediate family though) was very religious and I went to church and accepted Jesus into my heart and (I think) I did believe. But, not one of my prayers was ever answered, ever.

    That's what eventually knocked me out of Christianity, I feel like I've been lied to and ignored. When I was hungry and asked for food, I went on being hungry. When I was cold and asked for warmth, I went on being cold. When I was being abused and prayed for someone to understand what I was telling them (I was little so the urgency didn't exactly translate. If I had known the word abuse it would have though) and intervene, I went on being abused and misunderstood. When I was suffering in pain and begged for relief or at the very least for the doctors to find out what was wrong, I went on suffering for 8 years. When I was depressed because of the past and needed relief, I went on being depressed. So, why was I ignored, please enlighten me.

    If you believe in God, tell me how he answers prayers, how does that work? You might say look at the blessings you do have like family, friends, a roof over your head, some people say internet (for some reason, as though internet is something I need), and on and on like that. But is my family a blessing? Are my friends really friends? A roof over my head, what does that mean if we suffer and struggle to keep it? Some say life itself is a blessing, but how can it be when it's full of so much pain? So, real Christians, please help me find an answer to this. Does God really answer prayers? If so, why did He ignore me? I was just wondering.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • When someone is suicidal, why do people say this?

    Hi. I was doing some reading (articles and comments on articles) and this has been on my mind for a while also: why do people say "think of the people you're leaving behind" when they hear that someone is considering suicide or when someone attempts suicide? It sounds really mean in my opinion. I mean, here someone is so hurt or sad or angry that they want to KILL themself and the only thing that someone can think to say is think of the people around you and how broken they would be? What about the person themself? What about how broken they feel right now? Saying, "think of the others," (in my opinion) sounds like you are taking the focus off of the person who needs help the most right now and I don't think that is a fair thing to say to someone who is going through such a hard time in their life that they want to end it. Agree or disagree, let me know your take on it. If you agree, great. If you disagree please tell me why. I was just wondering what others think. Thanks in advance for your input.

    9 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Money doesn't buy happiness?

    Hi. I was wondering, why do people say this, what is your take on it (read all the way through please) Sure, money can't (shouldn't in my opinion) buy you friends or someone to love, but if you were dying of a horrible disease and you needed money to pay for the operation to get rid of it, wouldn't you be happy to have some? Wouldn't you be happy if you had the money to pay your way through school? Isn't that why people celebrate winning scholarships and grants? And why is it assumed that the people who have lots of money are secretly miserable, that the poor/not rich are the lucky ones because they recognize the good things in life? Can't someone with money also recognize the good things in life? Are the non-rich people happy simply because they are not rich/well off? I don't think so, if that were true, wouldn't everyone cast away their material things and their money and rejoice in total bliss. Make no assumption to my character or financial standpoint , I'm just asking a question that has been on my mind. But what are your veiws?

    13 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Can someone help me out with coping methods?

    Hi everyone. I've been having a hard time with life (I'm putting it lightly) and I am constantly at war with myself, trying to keep my head up and keeping certain troubling thoughts out of my head. The problem is the house I live in is saturated with negativity and it's hard to get better in this kind of environment. I keep running into dead ends with trying to find a job, I'm still looking, but I can't move out until I've got money saved up. So my question is, can anyone offer me some healthy coping methods. I listen to music and meditate and some times I paint, but that's all I've got versus what feels like the weight of the world. I can't talk to anyone in my house, they all might as well be deaf, I can't talk to my friends, I'm not in high school so I have no counselor (lot of help she was anyway >:{) and I can't get to, nor afford, a therapist. You can see why I need help. Serious answers please, I really don't have a clue what to do. Thanks in advance :)

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Would you mind taking a little survey?

    Hi, everyone. This is a survey about food and restaurants. I would ask people in person but I am too busy and I'm sure they are as well :) If you wouldn't mind answering the 15 questions below I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

    1.) How often do you eat out?

    2.)Do you like places that serve all types of meals, from breakfast to lunch to dinner to dessert, or do you prefer a place that has only one specialty, ie. a place that only serves breakfast or dessert.

    3.) Do you prefer fast food (like McDonald's) or more upscale dining (like Olive Garden)?

    4.) I like having waiters who bring my food to the table, refill drinks, and ask how my food is: agree/disagree/ it doesn't matter.

    5.) Do you or someone you know have dietary restrictions (lactose intolerance, allergies, diabetes, vegan/vegetarian, etc) that make it difficult to eat out?

    6.) What is your favorite meal of the day (breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, dessert, midnight snack?)

    7.) I believe that if the price is higher, the quality is better: agree/ disagree

    8.) I only like eating in restaurants I've been to before: agree/disagree

    9.) I won't buy any food that I can make at home: agree/disagree

    10.) What was your best restaurant experience?

    11.) What was your worst restaurant experience?

    12.) I like places that do deliveries: agree/disagree

    13.) I like being able to buy food for delivery online: agree/disagree

    14.) I don't like when a cashier is talking to someone else/preoccupied while taking my order: agree/ disagree

    15.) I use comment/suggestion cards when I see them: agree/disagree.

    For some of the agree or disagree questions, it's fine if you want to put 'sometimes' or 'rarely' or something like that and once again, thank you for taking the time to answer :)

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Does anyone else have these mosquitoes?


    I live in Virginia (unfortunately, because I'm from the North where I like it). Anyway, down here there are Asian Tiger Mosquitoes. They are everywhere around my house and on the way to the school. When we open the front door to go out, they swarm to the screen door (well it has a glass in it now) and they wait for us to come out. Tens of them banging against the glass. When we leave the house, we have to quickly slam the door behind us so that they don't get in because then they hide and jump up at us when we're cooking, sleeping, or trying to use the bathroom. We have to run to the car wearing hats and jackets with the sleeves pulled down so that we don't die of blood loss in the driveway. And when we're in the car, they fly at our eyes, which isn't safe for the driver. They land on the car and wait for us to get out too. I hate them so much! I'm always like, "I HATE VIRGINIA!!!" but my mom says they're everywhere, not just here. I don't know about that, so that's my question. Does anyone else have these aggressive mosquitoes? If you do, please say where you're from. I'd like to know if they're only here. Thanks.

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • Any small business owners?

    After high school, and maybe after a bit of traveling, I would like to open up a dessert shop. I already know what I will call it, who I will cater to (everyone and anyone because I am going to have special menus for people with allergies and food taboos and so on) and have scanned every cookbook i own for dessert recipes that fit my theme (romance). What I want to know is how do I get it started? I am trying to figure out how to get a small business loan, what do they look for to see if you qualify. Also, if you could tell me how you got your business off the ground that would be great. Thank you for reading and for any advice you can give.

    3 AnswersSmall Business9 years ago
  • Does anyone have any ideas for helping me survive high school. I want to quit and go my own way.?

    I've felt this way for a couple of years, like i have to escape. School is like a chain around my neck and it keeps me from doing the things i know i was born to do. That might sound crazy but bear with me. I feel like school is completely taking over. It already sucks five days out of my week, demands my free time at home with homework, projects, stupid assignments, the list goes on and on. I feel like there is no time for me to be me. I can't organize things, i've tried, i can't talk to anyone about it, no one understands. Everyone just thinks i am complaining and i am just lazy. I'm not lazy, i LOVE to learn, but it seems like the purpose is defeated if i am forced to. I want to drop out SO BAD. I already have a plan for what i am going to do after high school, i made one after deciding i am not going to college, but now, high school looks like it's going to go on forever and I am a junior. I listen to josh groban sing You are Loved and Hidden Away because it sometimes gets me through, but it won't last. I need help. I am so DISTRESSED. This is stressing me out so bad i am losing weight and other junk like that. I welcome any advice. Just don't tell me to tough it out. Too many people say that and it's starting to feel like they don't want to answer after they've asked and that's the easiest thing to say. Thank you for reading.

    5 AnswersOther - Education10 years ago