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Will America ever rebound from the damage Reagan did during his presidency?

And the do-nothing/change-nothing placeholder term of his vice president that followed?

Twelve years of industrial decline in America, the loss of well-paid jobs to China, and a sterling demonstration that trickle down would never work. Human nature is too greedy.

Every time I see a Dollar Store on a corner where a Made-In-America-stocked department store used to be, I realize of how little younger generations know about real economic decline and real harm to the middle class. Obama can't hold a candle to Reagan as a destroyer of traditional American values.


I hear the giant sucking sound of GOP sycophancy.

Update 2:

We got somewhere. Thanks for further finely shaded responses, guys!

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think so... I actually voted for Reagan, his first term... After Reagan busted the Air Traffic Controllers Union... I saw the hand writing, on the wall... Prier to Reagan, if it was made of iron, it was made, in the mid west, of the United States... After Reagan, it all came from China.... New words, like home less, not heard sense the Great Depression... Reagan,, restructured the unemployment statistics... Calling them, "no longer trying"... Privet unions, lost most, if not all power.. Reagan, prier to LBJ, signing the Civil Rights Act, in the very early 1960's... Was what was called then, a Dixiecrat... Not at all unlike, Governor of Alabama,, George Wallace.... The radical end, of the Democrat party... The Republican party, changed big time, during the Reagan years... What use to be called,, the old southern Democrat states... Turned Republican... The party of Lincoln, was no more, what it once was.... What was ones called, the old southern Democrats, & Dixiecrats, were called Reagan Democrats, in the early to mid 1980's... As a result of Reagan, in a lot of ways, the party's, actually traded places... Prier to Reagan... If anyone would have said, our first black President, would be Democrat... It's highly likely, they would have laughed, out loud... If not prier to the 80's,,, for sure,, prier to LBJ, signing Civil Rights, into law...

  • 8 years ago

    In short I disagree. Here is a short list. Punishing job makers only decreases jobs made. When the country needed a leader Reagan was a man that stood up and led. Did he have to more than show that america was not to toyed with? I say no. That is why they dared not keep the hostages after his inauguration. But he did more didn't he. Consumer spending and confidence was at one its highest levels ever in this nation. We might ask why. I think the answer is clear though. We all had jobs. Jobs that payed well ans jobs that were secure. So spending was high. oh wait he did even more than than that. He brought the end of the cold war. We saw the USSR go republic and the berlin wall was torn down.

    Lets see what did the banana head in office do? Oh yeah increased government dependence so that the average person had to apply for and maintain government help. That's right he is a good leader. He led the average American to government dependence.

  • booM
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Yes, but I think you are being too hard on Reagan. He did some very good things too, although I disagreed with a lot of his policies. The thing we need in government is balance...30 years of welfare state politics and growth unbalanced the economic scales and made it more difficult for businesses and the economy to function, then we turned around when Reagan came into office and started to rebalance the economic scales...however, instead of moderating supply side after it had the desired effect-and after Reagan was well out of office-we continued pursuing supply side economic theory for 30+ years.

    You can't do that without undermining the middle class in the U.S. and this has been statistically demonstrated, just as increasing the social welfare system, wages and 'safety net' from the 1930s until the 1960s undermined businesses ability to compete. Now we have a double-edged sword to deal with as a result of the economic clout given to businesses at the expense of the middle class and developing economies around the world are competing with us in all sorts of ways...while older economies than ours in Europe struggle and still rely on the U.S. to provide all sorts of military aid, etc.

    Something has to give, and so far it is neither the Republicans or Democrats, although right now the shoe of recalcitrance is on the foot of the GOP. One of the things that will help will be getting out of our military commitments in the Middle East-if you look at our economic history, we have always deficit spent during major conflicts and wars and come out of those wars with more debt. People want to blame the increase on Obama-or Bush-but the fact of the matter is that a decade of the war on terror on two fronts is taking its toll. Another thing that will help will be trying to get the middle class some more breathing room...and that, unfortunately, will take some more spending, some cost cutting, and getting the wealthiest in the country to belly up to the bar. Either use the tax incentives and breaks as intended and create more jobs or pay more of the tax bill. It's as simple as that...if you are lining your own pockets with the breaks, taking advantage of deregulation to make short term investments for your own benefit rather than building the country back up...well, a lot of people can see what is going on despite a well-organized propaganda machine that too many still believe in.

    Yes, we will rebound from the damage that started anew in 1981 and has continued through 2012 with very little abatement other than perhaps Bill Clinton's tenure...but putting the blame entirely on Reagan's back after 30 years doesn't really work from my point of view any more than the loons who wanted to put the blame on Obama within days of his taking office and have continued to do so since the earliest days of his administration.

    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Yeah. That's gonna happen when neoliberalism disappears and people decide to get rid of it and replace with a better one.

    Not only America is witnessing the consequences of it, but also other industrialized nations and developing countries.

    Neoliberalism is more than absolute deregulation and liberalization of labor markets (outsourcing).

  • 8 years ago

    yup I reckon if we just put soldiers into those stores and forced them to not move overseas and forced them to buy only American products from American producers, and then forced americans only to buy from those stores, yup I reckon that will be when America is truly America again. imagine, the freedom to work only In stores that have American and American made products, the freedom to only buy American and American made products, the freedom to to stay in this great god dang country of ours and not move, well that just brings a tear to my eye yup it does gosh darnit. and that's all I gots to say about that.

    im glad that there are other open minded americans out there like me

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If we can get the republicans out of congress and never to hold office of the president or 40% in the senate and never a majority in the house than we can recover . if we can keep them in their play pin then maybe .

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Anyone who thinks Reagan was he best thing since sliced bread was either too young to remember his Presidency or is only listening to the media and their parents.

    The guy was for the wealthy and nearly crippled big corporations like GM. Romney's worth ethnic reminded me of his which is why I compare the two so often.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    President Reagan was the best thing to happen to America he followed a fool of a President a ''man'' who allowed a 3rd world country to hold Americans hostage for 444 days this half wit gave up the Panama Canal ''so the will like us;; He canned the air controllers who went out on a illegal strike he ordered the invasion of Grenada after he found out the Cuban, Libyans, Canadians an Brits were in there building an air field for the Russians my kind of kind guy

  • 8 years ago

    I think it did under President Bill Clinton.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Another Democratic party lemming heard from.

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