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Anonymous asked in Beauty & StyleSkin & BodyOther - Skin & Body · 8 years ago

I can't stop eating?

I just can't, i've gained 20 pounds in the past 3 monthes :/ i'm 5'3 was at 100 pounds shot up to 120... my freinds and family have bean telling me that i've gotten chuby, idk what to do i just keep getting bigger and i can't stop. i've generaly eatin pretty healthy my whole life eatin vegie's and protein mostly, but then i binge on choclates & sweets probally eating a wopping 7,000 cals a day.... i don't kinow what to do anymore, i can't exersize after eating all of it bc i get so bloated, i can't even go anywere bc it makes me look pregnant, i need to stop this, can any of you give me some tips?

19 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    hey! I am your height and 110 but mostly muscle since I run everyday and am a gymnast. First off, stop your temptations! I have to say drink water! I learned I was actually thirsty when hungry! I used to drink vitamin water or flavored water, but drinking water for track and then going back to those drinks, they taste terrible! So drink a bottle of water in the morning before breakfast, and an hour before bed. Also, drink 5 sips of water between meals when your craving food. Snacks are ok, but try to get rid of the junk. Also, work out! Seriously, I was first doing no sports to doing exercise videos on tv everyday! I am seriously addicted! (btw I am 13) They are fun and after working out, I take a shower and feel so good, happy and refreshed! Trust me, just spend 10 minutes a day doing some intermediate cardio work outs. Look for some online too. I like doing it with guy instructors. The work out is better and I am more motivated for some reason!

    Also, I wake up like on a weekend and get in some short shorts (soffes, something cute) a sports bra and a tank top. I put my hair up and I feel good. I am motivated now for the day to work out and eat good. Make sure to look good when working out. If you feel bad about yourself or feel ugly, then you wont work as hard! So put that mascara on, and work it!

    Make a resolution for a skinnier happier you!

    In the morning, do 5 push ups. (I did this in gym... first 5 was sooo hard! But it got so much easier! Trust me! Dont stop!) 20 crunches, take a minute break and 10 sit ups. It will burn, but it works! Burning means it is working! Do 30 seconds of mountain climbers and 12 burpees. Burpees are where you stand, squat, put your hands on the ground, stretch your feet back, jump your feet back to a squat and jump up. look it up on youtube. Do it every morning. This takes less then 5 minutes and will wake you up and make you feel good.

    Try just walking, jumping rope, or just doing jumping jacks. My rooms in my basement, so everytime I went pass this chair, I put a jump rope on it, so I would get the jump rope and jump for a minute. There will be major results! The little things add up!

    Hope I helped!

  • 8 years ago

    Try eating foods like oatmeal (not the instant, that's not really the healthy kind), whole wheat breads, or foods high in fiber. Also, snack on nuts. Whenever you feel hunger pains, drink a full glass of water. Sometimes thirst is confused with hunger. Breakfast is very important, too. I recommend something like whole wheat toast and peanut butter, a banana and eggs or oatmeal (it's what I usually eat). Have a good breakfast so you're not hungry all the time.

    I have started to wake up at 7, do some stretches, yoga, and/or meditation until 8 or so. By then, I eat breakfast, work out at 10:30 or 11 for about an hour (5 to 6 days a week). I work out early because I tend to not feel like doing so later in the day. Also, working out an hour after breakfast makes sure I don't eat anything again until after I work out. Right after you work out, drink more water. I snack every 3-4 hours, and I have less calories for lunch and dinner (So, it's like breakfast has the most calories- 300-400, lunch- 200-300, then dinner- 200). I was also advised to not eat carbs at dinner or before I go to bed. Don't eat anything three hours before you go to bed. Having food in your stomach while sleeping is kind of undoing exercise and putting on more weight. Speaking of sleep, don't go to bed too late. I go to bed at 10, no later than 11.

    I have the same problem, but I have been able to fight cravings by doing this. Self discipline is important, too.

    Other tips (or click "tagged tips" at the top. Yes, it is my blog. Having a blog on a site I use often keeps me in track.)

    Also, ask your family to not keep junk in the house. If they buy any, tell them to keep it hidden away from you or to not let you have any no matter how much or how hard you ask.

    Source(s): I'm also doing the 60 day weight loss challenge. Keeping track of it on an online diary instead of mentally helps. Note, this doesn't mean you have to completely take out sweets. Just limit yourself.
  • 8 years ago

    Drink more water. Go for walks. I only let myself eat three Reese's cups instead of the whole bag. I'm 125 lbs and 5'2".

  • 8 years ago

    Hmmm try turning up the temp when your asleep/working out so you can sweat off water weight(: also, try your best to keep yourself occupied! Do things you enjoy, get out, go places with friends! KEEP BUSY. Try snacking on healthy foods throughout the day, or drinking plenty of water so that you feel full. Oh! And I used to crunch ice or suck on peppermint whenever I got hungry. The ice makes you think you're eating, and peppermint curbs your appetite. Be careful though! Peppermint is fattening o:

    Cheers! xx

    Source(s): I used to have an eating disorder o:
  • 8 years ago

    I know this sound kinda weird but my mom watches doctor oz and the doctors because it has good dieting tips for her because she is slightly overweight(no offense mom!)and sometimes i would watch it with her but i don't do anything of the stuff because i think i am a good size and she has lost a lot of weight that way

    Source(s): My mom
  • 5 years ago

    Start a compost pile with your yard. (It's not as hard when you think! Here's how to get started. )

  • 8 years ago

    Are you under stress? That can make me eat more. If you are worried or stressed, try to take some of that away. Also, try keeping sweets and junky food out of the house.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I Can T Stop Eating

  • 4 years ago

    Ask for the paper to be left at the end of your driveway instead of because of your front door.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Visit a museum or art gallery.

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