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Are women sluttier than at any point in history?

Practically every guy I work with has an ex wife or current wife who has cheated on them

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Women don't cheat on men that stay consistent with the way they got the woman to begin with. It usually stems from the man getting the woman and going off in other directions and expecting her to wait on him until he get's back...whenever that is, and how often that happens.

    A woman left lonely, is the victim of a man~Janis Joplin

    Think about it. THAT man that points the finger, or you, will have to admit if he had been around more like he was when he got her, that wouldn't have happened, but they will often have an excuse for as many reasons as they can for that..and say you what to this now? Either way she goes..she will be called a cheater by that and a few other's siding in with the man without seeing both sides of the story. How long would you wait for a man to come home, with a no good excuse for being gone, and play the fool with blinders on that he is out looking or doing what he accused her of? I am sure there are exceptions, right? So be it, just you know what goes on behind closed doors of the relationship you speak of nightly?

  • Some are.. some aren't...

    Let me tell you a story......

    I have four favourites to be my lady...

    I was with one last night..... she was separated, but her ex-husband became seriously ill, and she took him back.. we lost our opportunity right there, since she will not abandon him.... she is far too good a woman for that. Aye...

    I have another.. she has been waiting for me for quite a long time now... and accepts that I may be one of the hardest men on Earth to persuade and my own situation is not great at the moment... she will not accept any other man. Aye....

    I have another.. half my age and wonderful in every way.. I dream of even starting a family with her at times... as I know she wants.. but I cannot since honour forbids that I put her in that situation with me at my age of 63. She has no other man and as time passes wants any other even less. Aye....

    I had another.. we were long-term friends with the possibility of parole into something more. She was front runner for a long time.. but blew it by repeatedly linking up with losers, being used, and then doing it all over again....thus establishing that she has a pattern of doing this.... she ended up calling ME a stalker and abusing me. I doubt very much if I can get past the latest one... even if her ego allows her to apologise and work hard to recover what she threw away by taking up with him without any real feeling for him, and frankly, I no longer care - she has created herself into 'used' (if not 'damaged') goods... Nay.

    Well.. I think that pretty well covers it for me.. some are sluts.. some are not.... but it's about time the sluts started to get their heads around realities.. the prime one being that it is a mighty cold and lonely road after you run out of low-grade men to use.....

    At 63 I run into them all the time.......

  • Ducky
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Probably not. Back in history a woman was often seen for nothing more than her ability to have sex with a man. A woman who was unable to bear children was often shunned or divorced.... In many civilizations a woman without a man was forced to become a prostitute simply to survive.

    Basically, a woman's worth all came down to her sexuality. To me, that is a slutty civilization.

    In this day and age, we see more men marrying women based upon brains rather than looks. A woman is now capable of living a fulfilling life without having to be 'sexual' in any shape or form. She can get a job without showing off skin, and can get a husband who loves her for her.

  • Erica
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    People have always cheated, but I think it was way worse back in the day. People were more wiling to.. you know....

  • 8 years ago

    Not really, but I think feminism gave them that "shot in the arm" to really kick it into overdrive.

  • 8 years ago

    People have cheated for years.

  • 8 years ago

    Slits have always existed years, their just more open with it now.

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