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Is it possible to license transfer battlefield 3 on the xbox?

The game its self, not the online pass. Also, is it possible to transfer battlefield premium? I got screwed by not saying that battlefield 3 premium WASN'T the actual game. So I would like to try and get a game transferred to me by a friend or someone.

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Not a million years you will be able to do this. The architecture at first is not supported by the console and the GameStop website or battlefield game owners won't let this happen legally.

    Source(s): Did a lot of stuff.....l..l.l...
  • lundry
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Battlefield undesirable enterprise 2 is an stunning game. the only participant is wonderful and the multiplayer is greater addicting than call of accountability video games. For all and sundry who has performed a prior "Battlefield" identify, there's a well-known formulation right here that has been transformed for a good greater effective on line adventure. s

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