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Rock and Pop: I've seen a lot of people ask about the mainstream and criticize the mainstream. Who cares?

Mainstream is not everything. In fact, it's so far removed from everything as to be almost nothing, comparatively. Do people fail to realize the wealth of music that exists, the vast, vast oceans of absolutely fantastic music that exists, just outside their figurative peripherals? Turn off the damn radio and turn on your computer. Use the internet. Search, look, sift. There is absolutely no way that anyone can say "all of today's music is garbage". Why? Because, unless you simply hate music in general, all of it, there is something out there for you. Nobody alive could listen to every band out there - it would take more than your lifetime. But that doesn't mean you have to just disregard everything.

Who cares if most mainstream music is garbage? Who cares if it's "manufactured to appeal to the masses"? You're not forced to listen to it. And even if you are, suck it up and find the redeeming qualities. Yes, Call me Maybe is an incredibly ditzy song, and Carly Rae Jepsen's voice is kind of grating, but you know what? It's REALLY catchy. So are pretty much every Katy Perry and Lady Gaga song out there. Even Bruno Mars has some catchy tunes, and he can at least sing.

There's no point getting yourself all bent out of shape because of music that you never listen to. Does its very existence bother you that much? If it does, you need to take a chill pill and get your priorities straight.

Music is subjective. Different people like different things. Think of a band that you really, really love. Go to Wikipedia, and go to their page. Find the first genre linked on their page, and click that link. That will take you to another page that has a plethora of bands that have influenced the genre, were really popular in the genre, and some modern bands from that genre.

Seriously. Wikipedia. It's your friend.

Another thing you could try, is on Youtube, just go through links. Eventually you'll come to what some people refer to as "Youtube Narnia". It's this section of youtube that's just bands that have no particular following, but are fantastic.

Alternatively, go to this link: That is Greg Lastwell's Comes and Goes Listen to it. It's fantastic. Cool. Now look on the right. YOu should just see a massive amount of musicians that you've never heard of (minus the top... 5? videos to the right - those are recommendations based on what you've watched in the past).

Explore. Find the music you like. Enjoy.

BQ: Favourite album to come out since 2008?

BQ2: Favourite artist/band to start producing music since 2008?

BQ3: Favourite genre of music?

BQ4: Favourite instrument?

BQ5: Opinions on mainstream music?

~~~Points mean nothing, Yahoo! Keep deleting, I'll keep reposting!~~~


Great answer, Zach! I love that album!

Good to see you, Sugaree! How has it been?

Courtney - I have NO IDEA, but the last one was.

Great answer, Daria! I agree completely.

Dragooon, you have good insight!

Hey Opi! I love the banjo, too. And LAdy Gaga is really hit-or-miss for me. I like what she does, but I'm not too crazy about her music.

Hey RedDevil. Good to see you! Psych rock is always groovy in my books!

Hello Walrus, thank you for the kind words! From the answers you give on other questions, I will return your contact invite!

Update 2:

I adore Foster the People, Stefanie! Thanks for the answer! Grunge I'm not too huge on, but I love all funk fusions.

Update 3:

Believe me, Gaz, I'm known for them. You'll be seeing more in days to come. But thank you :)

Also, Hip hop and doom metal, eh? That's an odd combination, but I can't judge, I enjoy both, as well.

Update 4:

Sadly, Courtney, I never *saw* your answer. The Q was deleted within a few minutes of you posting it.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's never bothered me that people like artists I don't like, they dont in anyway influence my taste or the artists I like. And I agree with you, there are thousands upon thousands of artists out there, dozens of genres and millions of songs. Today we are gifted with the most versatile and large ranged music scene of all time, people need to stop taking that for granted. Oh, and I like Avril Lavigne, Coldplay and Nickelback :P

    BQ:The Final Frontier - Iron Maiden

    BQ2:Fleet Foxes

    BQ3:Power Metal

    BQ4:Guitar but the Organ is a badass

    BQ5:Some of its great and domes crap, it's all subjective

    Great question

    Source(s): Have a great day :D
  • 8 years ago

    I agree with you. There are a lot of haters out there that love to critisize. I admit that some songs today are catchy and I will listen to them when they are on, but then again, there are some where I don't understand why they are being played. But yeah, there is no point on bashing other artists you don't seem to like. Just because someone doesn't like something, doesn't mean they can put down someone else for liking it.

    BQ: I'm a big time Limousines fan. They may not be mainstream but they came out with an album in 2011 called Get Sharp.

    BQ2: The Limousines or Foster the People. I like FTP. They actually have pretty good music.

    BQ3: I'm gonna say Funk rock although I really like Grunge rock as well.

    BQ4: Drums. I have respect for drummers cuse I tried to play the drums once and I stunk at it.

    BQ5: Most of it I have to say is pretty bad but every once in a while, I'll hear some catchy song and will listen to it

  • 8 years ago

    BQ: Life Starts Now - Three Days Grace

    BQ2: Can't really say, my music usually dates back to 1900's

    BQ3: Heavy metal (Lot people look at me disgusted with this, but it's just who I am... not the screaming bands though, I hate those)

    BQ4: The guitar. It just has so much. The cello comes as a very close second, though.

    BQ5: I don't hate something just because it's mainstream, it just happens that everything I hate is mainstream XD I do think that most teens just hate it to hate it and look cool to people who actually understands. I'm only 15 though, I might be doing too...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah, I agree with you. There's so much great music being made these days that the only reason why someone couldn't find something they'd like is if they're too lazy to look. The charts aren't even the tip of the iceberg when it comes to music.

    BQ: Journal For Plague Lovers - Manic Street Preachers

    BQ2: Tame Impala

    BQ3: Psychedelic rock

    BQ4: Guitar and mellotron

    BQ5: I think mainstream music is probably in the worst state it's ever been in but I do like some of it.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't get it, why would this be deleted?

    Edit: hopefully you remembered my previous answer, I know I did. I just don't feel like re-writing it all.

    Here, how about this. Mainstream music from every given decade has its ups and downs, I tend to listen to the good portions of it, instead of focusing it on the bad aspects of it.

    again, this is all based off my opinion, but to say modern music sucks is just an ignorant statement to say generally, especially if most have not even bothered listening to anything outside the top 40.

    BQ: Probably MBDTF by Kanye West

    BQ2: Deerhunter

    BQ3: Experimental, Electronics, Post-Punk, Post-Rock and Conscious Hip Hop

    BQ4: I guess the guitar

    BQ5: I like it.

  • I agree. When people learn to use Google, YouTube, Spotify, Last FM, Pandora, ect.

    *THEN*tell me today's music sucks.

    Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad.

    Not only that, there are still classic rock bands making classic rock music.

    BQ + BQ2: Honestly I can't choose a favorite.

    I love the band 'Be The Wolf', they're unsigned.

    BQ3: Rock, blues, Metal.

    BQ4: I'm a drummer.

    BQ5: I love some 'mainstream' such as Ozzy Osbourne, Three Days Grace, Shinedown, Avenged Sevenfold, Rise against, ect.

    My goodness, I love you, thank you for this question. I agree.

    Adding you as contact.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I agree 100% with sugaree, it's mainly kids trying to conform by being "non-conformists." Most people 20+ don't give a damn.

    BA- I've been pregnant / caring for a newborn / raising a toddler during this time period, so I don't have time for full albums anymore.

    BA2- White Lies (2007, close enough)

    BA3- I don't have a favorite

    BA4- banjo :)

    BA5- some I adore, some I abhor. I think Lady Gaga is fabulous, fcuk the haters

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Finally someone with a good rant, haven't seen that in awhile. I completely agree with you.

    BQ Baroness - Yellow and Green

    BQ2 Red Fang

    BQ3 Hip Hop and Doom Metal.

    BQ4 Der Gittar.

    BQ5 Some's good, some's bad, same can be said for underground music even most music I enjoy tends to be underground. Mainstream or not, to me it depends on originality.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't hate mainstream music just because it's mainstream. I hate it because it sucks. Mainstream music was a lot better before, but lately it's been sucking. I hope that clarifies things.

    BA: none

    BA2: none

    BA3: Punk and New wave

    BA4: Bagpipes

    BA5: Sucks (currently)

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    people on this section try to be open minded by being close minded towards mainstream music

    bq1-idk i don't keep track of my music so I'll say w/e

    Will Rap For Food





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