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Building SQL query: Using values in table to dictate columns?

I THINK I remember doing this before and I am drawing a huge blank on how to do it or even the correct terminology to adequately search for it.

I am trying to build a query that is gets a value from a table called tblTranslate and which column I need to select is based off an field in another table. tblTranslate is filled with words translated into different languages thus when in my query I ask to see a specific row in SpanishI want the name displayed as Spanish , but it is only that one.

For example:

In my tblTranslate I have the following

instance_id - name_eng - name_span

1 - Dog - Perro

2 - Frog - Rana

3 - Cat - Gato

4 - Cow - Vaca

in my tblLanguages I shave

language_id - trans_col

1 - name_eng

2 - name_span

I have a table like the following:

instance_id - language_id

1 - 1

2 - 1

3 - 1

3 - 2

4 - 1

And I want my final output to be:

1 - Dog

2 - Frog

3 - Cat

3 - Gato

4 - Cow

So based on the language_id in my select it gets the trans_col associated with that language then goes and uses the appropriate column form my table with the list of translations. This is an overtly simplified example. I have 20000+ records and 12 different languages to look for to display.

Any help with the query or where to find/what exact to search for would be helpful.


Yeah I could use a bunch of union statements. Not ideal, I thought I had done this in one query once time, or I just psudo-codded it and didn't get into practice and I only think I did.

I could do that in the time being, but does anyone know how (if possible) to do in a single query.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your table design for tblTranslate is wrong. Is it too late to change it?

    You want to design your table so that you can specify which set of *rows* to return in a query. You do *not* want to try to specify which set of columns based on your search criteria. It's hard to do that in SQL. (There are ways, such as dynamic SQL. Or you could use the union approach. But they will be hard.)

    Change tblTranslate to look like this:

    instance_id - language_id name

    1 - 1 - Dog

    1 - 2 - Perro

    2 - 1 - Frog

    2 - 2 - Rana

    3 - 1 - Cat

    3 - 2 - Gato

    4 - 1 - Cow

    4 - 2 - Vaca

    The language_id column is a foreign key to the language_id column in tblLanguages.

    Now your query becomes very easy:

    SELECT instance_id, name

    FROM table t

    JOIN tblTranslate tx ON t.instance_id = tx.instance_id AND t.language_id = tx.language_id;

    Or if you prefer this style:

    SELECT instance_id, name

    FROM table t, tblTranslate tx

    WHERE t.instance_id = tx.instance_id

    AND t.language_id = tx.language_id;

    Much simpler, no?

  • 8 years ago

    select instance_id,

    case language_id when 1 then name_eng when 2 then name_span end name

    from I_have_a_table_like_the_following i join tblTranslate t on t.instance_id =i.instance_id

  • Zorro
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You would need to use a union statement, and then a sort by statement.

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