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The answer is napalm, damn it!

  • Excel/Sheets: Index of a data validation list.?

    I am curious if there is a function in ms excel or google sheets to find the index of a drop down data validation list. I am trying to make a spreadsheet with my bills and if I pay something monthly I want it to take the value and display it over 12 months; quarterly 1/3 the values of 12 months; yearly 1/12 the value of 12 months.

    I am using sheets so that would be prefered, but if anyone knows how to do something like this in excel I can reverse engineer in. Right now I have embedded IF statements which isn't ideal.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • MTG: Lifelink Timing Question?

    Hypothetical so no rush here.

    Setup: I have Tithe Drinker (2/1, Lifelink, Extort) and Archangel of Thune (3/4 Flying, Lifelink, When you put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control) on the battlefield. My opponent has 1/1 chump blocker.

    Situation: I attack with my Tithe Drinker and my opponent blocks with his 1/1. Does the Tithe Drinker live?

    I think what will happen here is Tithe Drinker will deal its two damage while taking one from the chump. The linklife will then trigger since the Tithe Drinker dealt damage causing the Archangel's ability to trigger on life gain and give the Tithe Drinker a counter before it would die since I would have til the end of the combat damage phase to keep it from dying. Resolution being my Tithe Drinker is 2/1 with a +1/+1 counter takes 1 damage and deals 2 to the 1/1 chump blocker.

    1 AnswerCard Games8 years ago
  • Excel returning row number of set of data?

    I am trying ti figure out the best way to use functions for the following situation.

    I have a list of values (sorted) for example lets say:














    Now what I want to do is have a cell which tells me what row number starts and ends the list of each animal.

    The end result would be

    Dog 1 4

    Elephant 5 8

    Zebra 9 14

    Now I would like to get the minimum row reference and the maximum row reference, but at the very least I could do the row reference for the first instance of said word and then use count of instances to figure the max.

    I am looking though the functions now trying to figure out the best way to do this. Any help would be appreciated.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Bioshock Infinite lynching scene?

    So I just finished Bioshock Infinite last night.

    Opinion: Didn't like it as much as Bioshock. Non-coherent ending. Crappy plot mechanic of dimension jumping. Too many weapons that do the same crap. Lack of difficulty necessary to even have Plasmi... "Vigors" in the game. No sense to dread by possibly ever running out of ammo. Elizabeth miraculously going from tormented ignorance of what is going on to leading Booker through the final moments after only playing a song (I mean that isn't an M Night Shyamalan level a shitty plot twist that a 2 year old could figure out or anything). De gustibus non est disputandum; not here to argue any of that and telling me I'm wrong just because you like it doesn't really mater to me. Only played it once maybe the next play through will make sense (I doubt it).

    What I am here about is: Did I miss something big? I am someone who is looking for every little secret and cubby hole to find every candy bar you can possibly find. I ended the game with a little over half of the audio recordings and almost 30 lock picks. To put it in perceptive in Bioshock I missed 2 audio files on my original play through. Trust me when I say I don't think I missed any content Yet the game in general seems really short and kind of abruptly ended, the ending as i said felt non-coherent, I'm missing half the audio files, and I never saw anything like the lynching scene in game.

    I know it was a prerendered scene in an advertisement, but I didn't see anything like it in the game. In the video Elizabeth is standing on a horse (come to think of it, it was a living horse and not the mechanical ones around the world) with a noose around her neck while the mob was looking on only to have Booker rush in to save the day. I never say any scene even remotely close to that. In fact Elizabeth never really seems to be in danger of anything but a stray bullet fired at Booker. Did I miss a whole section where people take her hostage and threaten to kill her? I know she is taken from you right towards the end, but any other time or anything like that because something just seems missing from all of this.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • MTG: Evolve & Master Biomancer?

    Scenario: One Cloudfin Raptor in play with no counters and I play Master Biomancer. Evolve is triggered and a +1/+1 counter goes on the Cloudfin Raptor. Next turn I play a second Cloudfin Raptor.

    So as I am reading this the second Cloudfin Raptor is entering the battlefield with 2 +1/+1 counters due to Master Biomancer's ability. Question being: does this trigger the first Cloudfin Raptor's Evolve ability? The wording on the Master Biomancer states that the creature comes into play with "enters the battlefield with a number of additional +1/+1 counters on it equal to Master Biomancer's power" thus it would enter the battlefield as a 2/3 creature and would trigger the first Cloudfin Raptor's Evolve ability.

    As opposed to saying something like when it enters the battlefield add X amount of +1/+1 counters which it would enter as a 0/1 and then add the X counters and not trigger the Evolve.

    I think I am playing this right, just want to double check.

    2 AnswersCard Games8 years ago
  • Building SQL query: Using values in table to dictate columns?

    I THINK I remember doing this before and I am drawing a huge blank on how to do it or even the correct terminology to adequately search for it.

    I am trying to build a query that is gets a value from a table called tblTranslate and which column I need to select is based off an field in another table. tblTranslate is filled with words translated into different languages thus when in my query I ask to see a specific row in SpanishI want the name displayed as Spanish , but it is only that one.

    For example:

    In my tblTranslate I have the following

    instance_id - name_eng - name_span

    1 - Dog - Perro

    2 - Frog - Rana

    3 - Cat - Gato

    4 - Cow - Vaca

    in my tblLanguages I shave

    language_id - trans_col

    1 - name_eng

    2 - name_span

    I have a table like the following:

    instance_id - language_id

    1 - 1

    2 - 1

    3 - 1

    3 - 2

    4 - 1

    And I want my final output to be:

    1 - Dog

    2 - Frog

    3 - Cat

    3 - Gato

    4 - Cow

    So based on the language_id in my select it gets the trans_col associated with that language then goes and uses the appropriate column form my table with the list of translations. This is an overtly simplified example. I have 20000+ records and 12 different languages to look for to display.

    Any help with the query or where to find/what exact to search for would be helpful.

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design8 years ago
  • Excel Help: Indirect()?

    I am trying to decipher how to take the values of a cell and import them into a formula. I am reading online how to use the Indirect function, but I am having trouble getting it to work right.

    right now I have a formula looking at a list of values in a table for the number of W in the column:


    The range on the cells are static. What I would like to do is take the numbers in the formula (the 1 and 7), place them in cells (in this case L1 and M1) and place the values into the formula and run it.

    Psudo code would be something like this?

    =INDIRECT('COUNTIF(Sorted!$G$ '+ L1 + ':$G$' + M1' + ',"W")')

    I am not sure how to work this function at all. Any help would be appricated.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • MTG: Vengeful Pharaoh?

    Just making sure I'm playing this right. The rulings for the card deal with only one Vengeful Pharaoh in your graveyard and not multiple ones.

    Vengeful Pharaoh

    Converted Mana Cost: 5

    Types: Creature — Zombie

    Card Text: Deathtouch (Any amount of damage this deals to a creature is enough to destroy it.)

    Whenever combat damage is dealt to you or a planeswalker you control, if Vengeful Pharaoh is in your graveyard, destroy target attacking creature, then put Vengeful Pharaoh on top of your library.

    P/T: 5 / 4

    Scenario 1: My opponent attacks with one 1/1 goblin and is unblocked. I have two Vengeful Pharaoh in my graveyard.

    I would play this as both Vengeful Pharaoh's on damage dealt abilities would trigger. And the resolution would be: I take 1 damage from the goblin, the goblin is then destroyed and both Vengeful Pharaoh are placed on top my library.

    Scenario 2: My opponent attack with two 1/1 goblin and are unblocked. I have two Vengeful Pharaoh in my graveyard.

    I would play this as both Vengeful Pharaoh's on damage dealt abilities would trigger. And the resolution would be: I take 2 damage from the goblins, then I would choose which goblin each of the Pharaoh's abilities will trigger against, and both Vengeful Pharaoh are placed on top my library.

    I think I'm correct with these two scenarios, but I'm not sure about if the attacking creature needs to be destroyed in order for the Pharaoh to be placed on the library. For instance in Scenario 1 two Pharaoh triggers go on the stack. The first one resolves destroying the goblin and then returning the Pharaoh to my library. The next Pharaoh's trigger resolves, but the goblin is no longer in play thus I'm not sure if the second Pharaoh should go onto my library. I think with the word "then" in the text it would mean for the attacking creature would have to be destroyed.

    Personally I think it would be quite a detriment to have to put both the Pharaoh on my library for a 1/1 creature. I know at least one of them would be there, but both could set me back father by having to pull the same two cards over again.

    Also in Scenario 2 say the second goblin has an ondeath(), kamikaze ability that I might not want to trigger, if I could avoid triggering it by targeting the more friendly goblin with both Pharaoh triggers I would defiantly do that (which I am 99% sure isn't a problem unless there is some rule clause I'm not thinking of), just not sure if both my Pharaoh would be out of my graveyard for the next time it attack.

    Just making sure I'd play this correctly.

    3 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • MTG: Tokens and dying?

    Just double checking: Tokens can die, right?

    For example: A Zombie Token blocks and takes lethal damage. Does the lethal damage on this token trigger the on death of another Zombie ability of Vengeful Dead ( ). I assume yes and I have always played it that way. I am just looking for confirmation or any recent rule changes that says token's don't trigger on death abilities for some reason.

    2 AnswersCard Games9 years ago
  • Solving for Variable?

    Okay I have the equation:

    S = ((((I + (2 x B) + (E/4)) x L)/100) + 5) x N

    The goal is to solve for I

    I have the following:

    I = ((100 x (S/N) - 5) / L) - 2B - (E/4)

    I am not sure I am manipulating the equation correctly

    With the following value:

    S = 49 N = 1.1 L = 50 E = 0 B = 20; I get I = about 9 ... I am expecting I to be about 11

    Can someone confirm I have the correct manipulation of the original variable? I'm 20 years removed from Algebra and a second set of eyes would be helpful

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design9 years ago
  • What is the website to donate to start up small businesses?

    I know there is a website out there where you have a list of small business start ups and good causes that you can donate toward in a private nature. Nothing like a stock market sort of thing, but a site where you can donate even a few dollars to a cause.

    I know I have read about it and I heard it come up in a new video recently, but I can't recall what the site it. Any suggestions?

    2 AnswersSmall Business10 years ago
  • CoD: Black Ops ... Endless spawn? *SPOILER*?

    Good day. I am playing Black Ops on Veteran difficulty on my first play through so I can get as many trophies out of the way as possible. I get up to the level where you destroy the rocket and and running though the tunnels afterward. Right now I have gone down the steps fought guys, turned right fought more and hit a checkpoint here.

    I can pop the two guys in the hallway and then fight my way into the next room then I get into the next hallway and here is where I have the most problems. I keep littering the floor with enemies. I end up getting a Scoped AK47 from one of the enemies in the room back and use the ammo from the dead's guns to restock. I have blow through my entire clip from my gun and 2 full clips from the AK47 and the enemies still keep coming. I am not sure if this is by design or I am just stuck in an endless spawn because I am trying not to die and am not making it through the room enough to trip the wire to stop them from spawning.

    I can get my entire team into the hallway and I found a nice spot in a doorway to a door that doesn't open to the left. When I try to move up anymore to the next set of boxes there is a door way to the right where there seems to be one enemy that is always standing in the door way to kill me from my 3 (or I just have impeccable luck to always move up when he is there).

    I would really not want to downgrade the difficulty if possible because I honestly don't want to play through any more times than I have to. Does anyone know if there is a trip line to stop the enemies/ Or if someone has a good strategy that could get me through this hallway it would be helpful.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Will anyone trade a Legit Celebi?

    I am looking for a Legit Celebi (preferably a 10 Anniversary one)

    I don't have much to trade atm since I depleted my coffers trying to get the rest of the legendary that I needed. I still have Entei (62); Zapdos (52 ... i think); Shiny Regigias (100) ... maybe; 2 Uxie (50); WISHMKR Jirachi (5); Shiny Latias (100) Rayquaza (58 .. i think); Lugia (50); Shiny Giratina (100); Groudon (100); either a Kyogre (lvl 75) or a Shiny Kyogre (100) -- forget which I traded yesterday; Dailga (47).

    None of these were caught by myself so I can't speak to the 100% legitimacy of them, most where trades over the GTS but a few were found on an old cartridge I bought at GameStop. The Jirachi appears to be authentic and has the correct OT/ID/Lv to be a WISHMKR Jirachi. All the others appear to be authentic other outside of possibly the Shiny Giratina (100) and Shiny Regigias (100). I have others as well, but these are probably the most notable of the collection. If you are interested please let me know.

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Will anyone trade me Darkrai or Arceus? (Shinys/Legendary for trade)?

    I am looking for the following Legendary Pokemon:

    Darkrai, or Arceus ... also a Mesprit and Manaphy that I am not to worried about

    I have Kyogre ( lvl 75), Entei (62), Uxie (50), Rayquaza (53), Lugia (50), Groudon (100), Kyogre (Shiny 100), Jirachi (100), Rotom (Shiny 100), Regigigas (Shiny 100), Giratina (Shiny 100), Celebi (10), Celebi (12).

    I am willing to trade these if the price is right.

    Also I wouldn't mind picking up a Treecko or an extra Mew or two if someone had those. I have other things for trade as well. I will be available for trade after 5:00 est, but we can make arrangements now. Let me know.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Will anyone trade me the following Pokemon?

    I am looking for the following Legendary Pokemon:

    Deoxys, Mesprit, Heatran, Cresselia, Darkrai, and Arceus

    I have Kyogre (75), Entei (62), Uxie (50), Rayquaza (53), Lugia (50), Groudon (100), Kyogre (Shiny 100), Jirachi (100), Mew (30), Mew (9), Rotom (Shiny 100), Regigigas (Shiny 100), and Giratina (Shiny 100). I am willing to trade these if the price is right.

    Also I wouldn't mind picking up a Treecko and an extra Celebi if someone had those. I have other things for trade.

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • D&D 4 Healing Surges?

    I play with a group of friends weekly and the last two weeks we have been beaten up very badly and are currently chasing own a hobgoblin who kidnapped our thief. Unfortunately this means we need to keep moving and can't rest. Long story short right now I have used up all my healing surges. I am curious on how I am about to be healed now.

    Our Cleric has the spell that restores healing serge + 1d6. So if our cleric would use the spell on me would I only get the 1d6 or can the spell not be cast on me (or to no effect) because I have no surges left to spend?

    2 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • EV training Pokemon Soul Silver?

    I have been reading up on the EV training and was wondering your Pokemon gets EVs anytime it gets exp? For instance if I were to have my Dragonite at the head of my party and give a Pidgey my Exp Share. Say I knock out the wild Pokemon with Dragonite would my both my Pokemon get EVs for the fight or does my Pidgey need to actually make an appearance to get the EVs?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Program to create character models?

    Good Day

    I am looking for a program that can create 3D character models. I have ideas for stories and I would like to make models of the characters for reference sake. Unfortunately my figure drawing is really bad. I know there are video games like Aeon, Oblivion, White Knight Chronicles that use a kinda of model generator for their player characters. I am looking for something silmilar but not tied to a game. I am not sure exactly where to start looking for one. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am looking for something that is either free or relatively inexpensive (I don't want to spend an arm and a leg on it)

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Program to create character models?

    Good Day

    I am looking for a program that can create 3D character models. I have ideas for stories and I would like to make models of the characters for reference sake. Unfortunately my figure drawing is really bad. I know there are video games like Aeon, Oblivion, White Knight Chronicles that use a kinda of model generator for their player characters. I am looking for something silmilar but not tied to a game. I am not sure exactly where to start looking for one. Any suggestions would be helpful. I am looking for something that is either free or relatively inexpensive (I don't want to spend an arm and a leg on it)