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Lv 5

Looking for a tv series?

If you know any similiar tv series to these that would be a big help.

The Walking Dead


American Horror Story


Breaking Bad

Sons of Anarchy


To name a few.

I do not like Dexter or Prison Break.


I also like Hell on Wheels. I might give Misfits a try.

9 Answers

  • Aika.
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I watch most of the shows you've listed. You've got taste :-) I'd say Game of Thrones and Camelot is worth checking out if you like shows and don't mind the gore and mature content that's in Spartacus. Heroes, Being Human (UK or US version are both good). Teen Wolf isn't as bad as it looks once you give it a chance. Jericho, Firefly, Falling Skies, True Blood, Misfits, Harper's Island, Skins (UK), Doctor Who, 24.

    For family friendly shows, Merlin, Robin Hood and Once Upon a Time are fun. They're not accurate to the tales they're telling but they have adventure and humor.

  • Jo Han
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    Hell on Wheels

    Magic City


    The Wire

    The Sopranos

    The Black Donnellys


    666 Park Ave

    The River

    Falling Skies



    Misfits (yeah baby!!! my fav)


    Persons Unknown

    Survivors (2008)


    The 4400

    The Event

  • 8 years ago





    Source(s): Tv
  • 8 years ago

    I'm just going to list a bunch of my favourite ones excluding the ones you listed :P

    - Game of Thrones

    - Fringe

    - Nip Tuck

    - Misfits

    - Heroes

    - Kyle Xy

    And shame on you for not liking Dexter :P

  • 8 years ago

    Twin Peaks, a cult classic from Mark Frost and David Lynch

  • 8 years ago

    So not sure what you have access too.. I have netflix where i watch a couple but im sure you can find them online.


    Skins (UK version)

    True Blood

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    It's great but you need to go back and look at the old episodes

  • 8 years ago

    Did you watch FastForward? it was made the the same people as lost xxxx

  • 8 years ago

    Once upon a time

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