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Anonymous asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastIsrael · 8 years ago

Why do people recognize Israel but not Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus?

Jews were a minority, the Arabs armies attacked them so they made their own state on whatever lands they could acquire. Turkish Cypriots were being massacred so they took as much land they can with the help of Turkey and made their own state. Both of them caused a major refugee problem. Why is the first widely recognized but the other only by Turkey?

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The short version of the answer is that the West is still suffering from the feeling of guilt and shame because of the Holocaust. Israelis could market their side f the story successfully with the help of the Jewish control over media and the strong Jewish lobby in the US.

    Turkish Cypriots couldn't do the same.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The land of Israel was set aside for the Jews under the Balfour Declaration. After Turkey lost World War I, the British divided up the land. West of the Jordan river was suppose to be Jewish and east of the Jordan river Jordan was suppose to be Arab. As the Jews drained the swamps and made Israel productive waves of Arabs started settling in Israel. Tensions arose. After World War II the Israeli nation was born on May 14,1948. The Arabs never accepted the Jewish nation. This is the reason for all the past wars and the future wars to come for the Arabs want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth.

    The Turkish Republic of northern Cyprus had no Balfour Declaration. The Turkish government invaded Cyprus and the island became divided and Turkey's seizure was not recognized by the United Nations.

    Source(s): The Times Almanac.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    @ Petit

    This is actually a response to an earlier comment you made.

    Calling me a biggot is just plain wrong. I live in one of the most multi cultural cities on the planet and have always celebrated that. I've always had friends from all walks of life and all backgrounds including Muslims. Although they would probably not be described as good Muslims admitidley. Just because I truly believe that Islam, especially radical Islam, is one of the greatest threats to the planet, doesn't make me a biggot. I would suggest the majority of the west feel the same but don't speak out due to PC. Have you forgotten whose section you're in? Usually we're just responding to the true biggots.

    I have the news on right now in fact. Aljazeera. As usual the stories dominating the news are from various Islamic areas of the world. And they're not good. Mali is the top story. It's like a bad horror movie. Whatever part of the globe the Arab Islamic Ideology takes a bite of, turns those people into psychopaths.

    I await your irritating reply.

  • Kevin7
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The rebirth of Israel was put forth by the United Nations in 1948

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  • 8 years ago

    It's a UN created state. If the UN endorse it, it's a state under international law.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Because Cyprus is a Greek country and Turks are very uncivilized, that's why they will never join in the E.U.

  • 8 years ago

    Talk to your best buddies -- start with Azerbaijan. lol

  • 8 years ago

    maybe because Turkey invaded a country for no reason while Israel didn't invade anyone but simply took their homes back?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Bribe, blackmail and death threats. The UN vote to partition Palestine, between the native Arab majority and minority of Jewish immigrants was passed that way. Israel was created on territories with vast Arab majority. The only way to create a "democratic state" for Jews on Arab majority land was the expulsion of Arabs natives. Ben Gorion diaries are full of it. He didn't see anything wrong with the transfer of Arabs. He supported it. Now after more than 64 years those refugees and their children are denied any right to return just because they are not Jews. Any convert Jew on the other hand, or who was blessed with Jewish parents can "return" and become a citizen of Israel. So this so-called state is apartheid and its mere survival as racist Jewish state depends on the suffering of other people who's only "guilt" is that they are not Jews. It has as much right to exist as Nazi Germany or apartheid South Africa had. It should never be recognized as a state. Those fanatics who run the government still believe they can "win" lands through wars (and that is what they have been doing for the past 64 years) like in medieval dark ages. How can such state be allowed to exist in today's modern civilized world?


    Where in the Balfour Declaration it mentions a Jewish state or Jewish self rule? Or that Arabs who lived in Palestine were supposed to move to Transjordan?

    Do you have any proof of Arab mass immigration to Palestine? There is not one single report from the Mandate government on that! All official Mandate reports concluded that Arab population growth was natural and not affected by any mass immigration. How could hundreds of thousands of Arabs enter Palestine without being noticed by the authorities? Palestine was productive thanks to its Arab farmers. Here my friend, these data are from the Survey of Palestine, the British Mandate book:

    As early as 1891 a leading Zionist thinker Ahad Ha'am visited Palestine and reported that Arab natives left almost no fields uncultivated. Is there any way to support Israel without lying?

  • 8 years ago

    Massive propaganda program - based on fabrications.

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