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Am I a girl trapped in a boys body?

The thing is since I was the age of 3 I always know I was different as I should of been a girl not a boy. The thing is I don't know if I was a girl trapped in a guys body tell I seen this show about this girl that was born a boy but became a girls and that when I started to think more and more if I was female trapped in a males body. The things i stared to think about is way I wanted to be a female is that since the age of 3 is when I look at my male gentiles I did not like them and I could not stand seeing and touching them because that did not seem right to me and this bugs me when I think or look at them. When I seem other girls I all ways wish I could wear what they wear.when I was 2 I rembember that I use the female restroom a couple of times because my mom took me in there before because she did not trust a 2 year old in the restroom alone and that why I used the females restroom the thing is when my mom stoped taking me to use the rest room and told me I was old enuf to use the males rest room I know when I went in it did not feel right and I felt like I should of been in the girls restroom because it just felt right. The other day I was thinking if I like girls and I said to my self that the only thing that turn me on about them is that I would be wear the girl clothes and stuff they have on and lately I been thinking lately about this when I try to fantasy being with a girl that in the back of my head something is telling me that its not right to be with a girl that I should be with a guy and to tell you this when i was 15 I went to my friends house once and we seen that his brother was watching porn and I seen a girl having sex with a guy and when I was watching it I keep thinking at the time I was the female getting banged buy the guy and I thought that was hot. I hate hair on my body like leg face and other hair accept for my hair on my head and one last thing I remember I all was hated when I got my hair cut short when I was little. So am I a girl.


One last thing I forgot to add is that lately when I go shopping i look at guy clothes for some reason I don't like them but when I walk past the girls clothes I look out of the corner of my eyes and I all ways see something that looks good

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    Here's the thing: you shouldn't have to ask other people. Ask yourself. Don't listen to other people and truly think. No one else can tell you what you want, even with as much detail as you gave us. It will be a hard decision, I know… but choose whatever you know will make you comfortable and happy. Note that people you know will notice the change & might make fun because you're different. A lot of people might. But if it makes you comfy, do it! If you want to become transgender, start slow so you don't rush into something so different that you're not sure about. You definitely sound gay, at least to me. Just do whatever makes you happy.

    But why a girl pic and asked by Ashley? Sorry I'm confused.

  • Kayla
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    If you want to be a girl and you feel that you are, identify as a girl and be one. You are the only one that knows you, don't let other people tell you what they think. You are the only one that can decide that. I am a trans girl, because I feel like I am a girl in most ways, It has nothing to do with gender roles and whatever, because I am a long time gender bending I dont give a care what you think kid. But I do know that I like identifying as a girl, and I don't like having the body of a guy and can not wait to transition. Unfortunately because I still live at home with my stupid opinionative christian family and I don't have a job yet to move out, I can not transition. I am hopefully going to be moving out and moving in with my girlfriend within the next year or so and I plan on transitioning then.

    Source(s): Don't let anyone else tell you how to think, or tell you how to be or what you are, find yourself in your own mind <3. Kayla Kitty <3
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Sweetie, no one else can tell you that. Surely, the gods are going to step on me for this one, but um... Your sense of gender is internal. It's part of your identity. Think of it as being in love. No one can tell you that you're in love. You just know it! So, if you're a girl, if you look inside yourself and ask that question, you'll get an answer sooner, rather than later.

    Just ask yourself two questions. First, would I feel happier, better about myself, and more comfortable in my own skin if I could go through life as a girl?

    Incidentally, I -would- strongly recommend seeing a psychiatrist or a therapist (check their credentials!) I don't think you're crazy or anything like that, hon. It's just that it'd be beneficial for several reasons. If you're feeling confused, they can't give you a surefire answer, but they -can- help you kind of untie the knots and sort out your feelings. In addition, if you live in a jurisdiction that has laws which specifically protect trans-persons, you want to have documentation on your side--just cover your bases, in case you ever end up going down this path. Finally, your health system may require you to have been under the care of psychiatrist/therapist for a minimum amount of time before you're eligible for medically-supervised part of the transition.

    Whatever ends up happening finally, I wish you all the best. Hang in there, sweetie! <3

  • 8 years ago

    U sound like me but with no depression I think you are transsexual but u shouldn't take my answer into consideration I'm going insane anyway

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  • 8 years ago

    You feel like a girl that doesn't mean you are a girl cause you're a guy.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    just go gay, be a cross dressing gaybo.

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