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? asked in PetsDogs · 8 years ago

What's wrong with my dogs leg?

I took my dog to the vet last week because she was limping, I thought she may have broken her leg, $300.00 later it turned out to be a twisted ankle, or so I thought. We've been giving her a medication prescribed by our vet to reduce swelling but now almost a week later she has licked all of the hair off of a spot on her foot revealing a puncture wound of some sort. I can't identify it and I might be looking for a new vet, I'm just looking on here to see if someone else has ever had this issue with a pet and has some insight as to what to do or what it is. She's a collie/doberman mix. 4 years and 9 months old, healthy, 27lbs. and this happened sometime last sunday night while everyone was sleeping.

here is a link to what it looks like. Thanks in advance!

2 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This looks like an abscess around a bite of some kind and could be a spider bite. This is looking pretty serious. This is no twisted ankle obviously and the dog needs antibiotics URGENTLY more than anti-inflammatories or pain killers...

    Book a vet appointment asap and in the meantime see if you can make a poultice of magnesium paste to draw any poisons up to the surface to get them out..... and also an alternate of manuka honey on it.

    This needs dealing with before anything like septicemia sets in.

  • 8 years ago

    take it to a different vet. it could even be an infection. but that it just a guess from me.

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