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LindaLou asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

Is there an O.T.C. pill that can replace my Wellbutrin XL that I've been taking for years?

I'm out of refills, have no insurance and did wean myself a bit as I was running low on my prescription to help when I was OUT...but I'm having panic attacks at night, am very edgy, impatient, frustrated and irritable. WILL this taper off if I decide to try and just NOT get this medication again? If there was something over the counter I could take I would try it.... ANY help out there?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I take over the counter nerve pills to relieve stress, the work pretty well for the most part, but in the case of extreme situations I'd suggest Kava Kava extract supplements.

    You can get it at your local Heath food store, or GNC

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    As long as the 300mg increase is XL, it would be fine to compensate with 2 150mg XL pills instead of one 300mg XL pill...

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    When I was on this my doctor told me NOT to stop without her knowing. I know you said you tapered off but I would call your Dr and tell them that you have no insurance and you can not buy them anymore. They may could put you on some sort of $4 generic or sometimes drs have samples they will give you to get you through times like this. Please call, your side effects are not healthy that you are having.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Sometimes there are ways to do this:

    That put here, for you to see what might help you, panic IS an attack on you,

    and since you are Christian, you know that it is ALSO spiritual.

    When I say 'also spiritual' I mean it becomes both....our body lacks the means to

    fight it, gets worn out, and satan attacks...attacks weakness, coward that he is,

    all those demons.

    I would take control and cast them out...that would be the start...'in Jesus' name'

    but then, as another said, Kava Kava is one way, there is a free book in the

    first link which looks good, and...strangely enough....learning good breathing.

    Panic always induces a change in breathing.

    Of course you would be edgy and so on, your blood gases then are all


    These are for us to learn how to control, how to overcome, a process.

    Christian affirmations are also helpful.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    withdrawal syjmptoms ask doc about THAT ?

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