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POLLS & SURVEYS : What are the Sections where we can get Top Contributor Badge ?

How many Questions we need to Answer to get Top Contributor Badge ?????

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You don't need 15-20 BAs in 2 weeks!!! That's a real lot!

    Though the formula is still unknown, Y!A T prefers keeping it a secret.

    But estimations have been made which suggests that you have to earn a good amount of BAs, and earn some points, around 200 or so in a particular category, in 3 weeks.

    Like, even 3 weeks after my exams ended and I started answering a lot, I got a BA. Exactly after 3 weeks.

    Here is what I could find from an old Y!A Q:


    ☺☺☺Top contributor badge ☻☻☻

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    ■ A Top Contributor is someone in the Answers community who, through their participation on Answers, has shown that they are knowledgeable in a particular category. Each Answers user can be a Top Contributor in up to three categories.

    ☺☺☺How can you earn a top contributor badge☻☻☻

    ************************* ******************* ********************

    ►The Top Contributor badge is dynamic One,you earn it or lose it depending on your recent participation in a particular category.

    ○○You earn it by being an active participant who contributes quality answers in a particular category on Answers.Anyone can earn a Top Contributor badge as it does not depend on points or level.

    ► The exact formula is kept secret by yahoo but the common theory is that you need a minimum of 10 percent best answers in each particular category and is said to be reviewed weekly.No one is sure about it. Some users said that a total number of 70 best answer answers is required in a month and 10% best answer rate is required to earn TC badge. Some other people said that a total number of 20 best answers in 2 weeks in a particular category can earn a TC badge but these are all rumors(guessers). Just answer questions frequently and try to contribute as much possible as you can in particular category and try getting best answers

    ► If you are not a Top Contributor today, you can earn the badge by contributing high quality answers in any category or multiple categories of your choosing.

    ►The top contributor badges are distributed to their respective top contributors only in the Monday morning.The top contributor badge can be taken away from existing users in the same way on Monday morning.Once a person stops answering or stop contributing himself in yahoo answer and not being picked as a best answers in a particular category then he/she looses his/her top contributor badge in the same Monday morning.

    ► The top contributor badge is not permanent and can be removed at any time.So choose the category's you feel you can get best answer and research every detail you can find with links to add to the answer and do not answer questions you don't think you can get you best answer (it will lower your percentage of best answers).

    ► For more information read this blog regarding Top contributor badge:-


    ****************** ************************

    ♦ Don't attempt questions of Only ''Jokes & Riddles'' and "Polls and surveys'' category because these are the only categories which has no "Top contributor badges" and yahoo! didn't want to give "Top contributor badges" to their deserve "Top contributors" in.

    ♦ Don't guess any answer because it will lower your percentage of best answer.So choose the category's you feel you can get best answer and research every detail you can find with links to add to the answer and do not answer questions you don't think you can get you best answer.

    ♦You probably need around:

    1• Try to get at least 10% overall best answer or in a particular category.

    2• Try to answer at least 50-60 Questions per month in the category you wish to become a Top Contributor in.

    3• Try to get at least 20 to 30 number of best answer around 2 or 3 weeks.

    4• Do not attempt any questions which you don't think you can get you best answer (it will lower your percentage of best answers).

    5• Try to get (250 to 400) points in a two or three weeks.

    6• Try to answer a question in a point wise.This will attract asker's mind to read your answer.

    7• Use different type of symbols like ☺☻♥ ♦♣♠•◘ ○◙♂♀♪♫ ☼►◄↕‼¶. It will attract asker's mind to read your answer.

    8• Answer a question very politely ,courteously & contributed himself as helpful as possible you are.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Due to the fact that it takes 2 brain cells to reply a query right here. How can you be a top contributor for a ballot or a survey? Question 2- the factor totals did not reset from final week

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Except Polls & Survey and Jokes & Riddle category..every category have a TC badge i think!

    Hmmm I'm TC in 2 categories..yay!!

    You'll get TC badge if you get more best answers in a particular category..

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Family & Relationships.

    Minimum 20 questions per day.

    You must have at least three fake IDs with different names to vote yourself as at least two persons per category are already doing in India. You can do that but be well prepared for termination of account at any time. Category 'Politics' had more than 50 such persons & all got terminated till last year & now that category is nearly empty. One fascist member of that was posting me as, " You blocked my name but see, how easily I answered your question too, openly admitting criminal act of hacking. RSS has paid many professional writers for hate propaganda against Muslims in India on Y/A. Many were caught & accounts were terminated. Some Y/A staff members in India too are a part of that.

    Just read & analyse yourself. Vijay, Indian Lawyer in Delhi answers most of legal questions in 'Marriage & Divorce'. When he answers, it is very lengthy & must be taking at least 15 minutes in typing. It can't be read & well understood in less than 5 minutes. But within 2 seconds, THREE TO FIVE VOTES come. No reader can do that much fast & it is not possible except voted by Vijay himself from same IP. Moreover, his 92 % best answers are mostly from voting, not as 'Chosen by Asker' ? Its all master fraud.

    Such fraudulently secured Top Contributor badge has no value. Many times I got & never cared. Marks are of least important for me.

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  • u can get tc badge in jokes and riddles section and p&s section :)

    u required 15-20 BA's with in 2 week :) (if i m right) for tc badge :)

    lol soon i will get back my tc badge :) may be on tuesday coz i have got more than 25 BA within 1 week :)

    ol d best :)

    @champ-why do u always speak against me :P

  • 8 years ago

    Only by gaining 10 Points while answering and questioning upon any perticular subject beside Poll, Entertainment & survey.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Any category except jokes and polls and surveys. The exact amount of best answers you have to get is unknown, Yahoo has not said.

  • 8 years ago

    Tc badge is given in all categories except polls&surerys and jokes&riddles except these two one can get tc badge in rest of all categories . many have different conception regarding tc my view is in order to get tc badge one should be active and should have particular amount of best answers in a week . though we may tell many but it wont workout , so thing is that start exploring of your own . concentrate a particular category in a week and check whether you get tc or not . . experience is best teacher ..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Any section you want. Its not the amount of questions you answer its the number of questions you receive the best answer for.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    any section except for P&S, and jokes and riddles.

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