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Will any cons on here now admit that purposely and wrongfully calling Obama a socialist hurt the GOP?

Now that Obama has been sworn in for another term and it is so obvious that a lot of you hate this man in such a personal way that this might be time to reflect. Has your anger towards Obama looked so crazy or just illogical at times that damage the reputation of your party?

There has been no action of Obama to take over any industry in the United States... not one, not healthcare as insurance corporations actually have more business from the Affordable Health Act... not the auto industry, his administration did temporarily oversee one part of the American auto industry when they basically begged for the government to step in and when the government did the government pulled out. If you know what the word "socialism" means, and I suspect many of you are smart and know what it means and has just used the word to scare more ignorant people, then you have to know that Obama is no where near a socialist. Like I said, I think many of you actually know that but use the word for cynical purposes. And that brings me to my point: don't you think that calling him a socialist and having his opponent's advisers using such antiquated and frankly a stupid term actually turned average intelligence voters turn your message off at times?

12 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    There are continually ideological rifts, with one team claiming the different isn't "X sufficient". i'm a Libertarian, and that i've got heard human beings declare that others are not "libertarian sufficient", or that their view is the only "relatively libertarian" one. Obama won't be an out and out socialist. yet that basically ability that he takes toddler steps particularly of the all or not something revolution a "genuine" socialist demands. Make no mistake, basically approximately all of his charges are socialist IN NATURE. that is basically a question of degree. To a bomb throwing anarchist even a Libertarian seems to be a statist. yet right it truly is a rapid litmus try: become familiar with the ten planks of the communist manifesto. Now, while Obama proposes a coverage ask your self, does this coverage flow united states of america extra in the direction of the implementation of those 10 planks, or remote from? on account that I truthfully have yet to confirm Obama do something that DECREASES the government's place in our financial lives i pass to proceed calling his rules socialist.

  • 8 years ago

    Obamacare will destroy the entire medical industry, as he designed it to. Insurance companies can't compete if they are required to accept anyone, regardless of their health. Taxes on medical devices have gone up, but get this, the company that makes them is the one getting taxed, and they are being told that they cannot pass those increased costs on to the hospital, the insurer, or the patient. In fact, they are told that the costs cannot rise, ever. But nah, he's not trying to nationalize that. He has nationalized GM, though, and effectively sold it to the UAW, to our financial detriment. And he uses law enforcement agencies to go after the competition of his bigger donors. I bet if Fender and Martin didn't give as much as they did to Obama, he wouldn't be going after Gibson. I take it back, they are non-union, and Martin makes their guitars in Mexico now, so he probably hates Gibson that much more.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Your яight, he's ио шhеяе иеая Socialist!

    Because he's already commie!

    It's like the Libbies say;

    Be glorious, our free motherland!

    A reliable stronghold of peoples' friendship!

    The Party of Obama, the strength of the people,

    Leads us to the triumph of Communism!

    Now, pick up your ****** shovel or else!

  • 8 years ago

    Have you never heard of his new indefinite detention, executive orders, and much more? He is forming a totalitarian society. He is a socialist. Sorry to burst your bubble into your happy little world of rainbows and butterflies, but its time to wake up.

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  • John
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Looks like the gop is not interested in knowing why they lost.

  • 8 years ago

    I would admit if if I was wrong. It's kind of like a person being slightly pregnant.

  • 8 years ago

    Not a con and he is a socialist. I hardly think calling him out on his philosophy was a negative.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    yeah i know. some people just can't handle the truth that he's a socialist.

    do you realize he mentioned the deficit/high unemployment not once in his inaugural address?

  • 8 years ago

    The ones that do not understand socialism will.

  • Elliot
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    A laundry list of things hurt the GOP. They probably won't take responsibility for any of them.

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