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Gun control and the assault weapons bill?

The proposed assault weapons bill bans specific weapons from being owned by individuals with the exceptions of military, law enforcement and retired law enforcement.

The argument by those supporting this bill is that people do not need this type of weapon to protect themselves. Joe Biden even said that a person only needs a shotgun for protection.

If these are not needed for protection, why should there be an exception for law enforcement and retired law enforcement in particular? What situations exist for these exempt groups that entitles them to a greater degree of protection than any other individual?


ERIN: There are many situations when a large number of criminals would be at your door or the door of your business. Those riots that the police are at don't happen in a vacuum. They are at or in front of people's homes or businesses. There is looting during most of those riots. Innocent people get injured or killed by these mobs on many occasions simply by being in the wrong place.

Another example is natural disasters such as hurricanes. A hurricane strikes a city and there are many groups of thugs wandering the streets looking for easy targets and who is there to help the innocent person who gets in their way? No one. Emergency personnel are busy with other needs.

The last example is the not-so-far-fetched conspiracy theory of a collapse of the government or the economic structure of the country. Who is protecting the people of Syria from the government these days? The founding fathers cautioned that we should never be too trusting of the government especially a s

Update 2:

Assault weapon is a term created to provoke a particular response of fear from those who know little about firearms.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Quick what the difference between an "assault rifle" and a hunting rifle?

    Answer: NOTHING

    If a gun takes a clip it can take a clip of almost any size, the lug to attached a bayonet can be easily add to ANY gun. That folding and adjustable stock, are seen on hunting rifles so that it cam be packed away or adjust for different hunters. Both use the same principals to work their actions, gas or recoil operation.

    I also hate to tell Mr. Biden, but a shotgun is a far better weapon for a mass killing than an assault rifle. Of course, everyone, and by everyone I mean, the FBI, CIA, Congress, the President, knows assault rifles are used in less than 1% of shootings, where handguns are used in over 50%.


    Forgot about the LA riots already, you know where the police watch crimes being committed and did NOTHING to protect people their homes, or business? It was a little funny watching the people who pushing the waiting period saying they never considered that a person might not have police protection and would need to arm themselves right away.



    In 2011 there were 14,612 Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter according to the FBI (2011 and it should be noted on the same site on the data state by state they show 12,664 murders of the known firearm all rifles were 323, shotgun were 356, handguns were 6,220 and unknown were 1,684 ASSUMING the unknown broke down approximately that same way you’d have less than 400 rifles used to kill someone. Now comes the big problem the term assault rifle depending on your definition can mean quarter of those rifles could be considered assault rifles which would give you less than 1%. Take and AK47 remove the lug and suddenly it’s not an assault rifle anymore, so the term assault rifle is really all but meaningless.

    You will also notice that shotgun kill more people than rifles, hands and feet kill more people than rifles (728). And yes MOST shotgun only hold 2 to 3 rounds unless you take out the plug, then you get 5+ or get a large clip. There is a shotgun that holds 50 rounds (fully automatic and illegal for you to own), and as I have stated IF your gun takes a clip you can get a clip of just about any size. And although shotguns have a short range most killings are done at short range the long range sniper killer is rare, look at most mass killings and you’ll see that most shots are less than 25 yards. Look at what a shotgun loaded with 00 buckshot can do at 25 yards, and you’ll see Biden is wrong, very wrong. Said shotgun could easily kill more than one person per shot, and given the number of projectiles odds are the person is dead. ONE round from a 12 gauge is about the same as 9 to 15 rounds from a rifle. (Between 9 and 15 are the number of pellets in a shotgun shell) even if you only fired 3 times you’d have between 27 and 45 pellets in the air that are slightly larger than a 7.62 (8.82 mm) although they only have about ½ the weight of a 7.62 x 39. To get the about the same number of rounds in the air you’d have to fire a rifle 27 times at least. Tell me what would you use?

    BWT if you want to really save lives then ban cars will kill more people than guns per year.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I agree there shouldn't be special exceptions for retired police officers. The argument in favor is that some law enforcement agencies issued weapons that would now be illegal, and they shouldn't have those guns taken away. This doesn't hold water, since ALL currently legal guns are grandfathered into the proposed legislation.

    Richard points out that semi-automatic rifles are involved in only 1% of shootings, but that handguns are used in many more. That may be true, but even a 1% decrease in shootings would be welcome. Furthermore, semi-automatic handguns with clips of more than 10 rounds will also be outlawed under the proposed legislation.

    As for shotguns--most carry only two rounds before they have to be reloaded. While a shotgun is deadly at close range, its killing power quickly decreases with distance. It is much easier to shoot a large crowd with a semi-automatic rifle or handgun than with a shotgun. Biden was right--a shotgun provides excellent defense for those who want to protect their homes or businesses from robbers.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Because law enforcement may have to deal with huge numbers of people at a time. Like during a riot. Since when have you had a riot at your front door? And retired law enforcement can be redeputized during an emergency.

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