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Lv 7
blm asked in SportsFootball (American) · 8 years ago

Is 11 minutes per game enough?

Critics of the American game make the point that there is actually very little action in the "sixty" minutes "game" time/three hours "real" time the game is played over. The Wall street journal ( ) references a study which indicates that in a typical NFL match the ball is only "live" for about 11 minutes.

By way of contrast (and this is not meant as a criticism of the American game), in a typical Rugby or Soccer match (which take less than two hours to play) the ball is live at least four to five times longer. And this is important because the constant start-stop is one of the main obstacles the NFL has stumbled over in is several recent attempts to establish a European league.

This raises two questions. (1) Is eleven minutes enough? and (2) what (if anything) should the NFL do about it? Thoughts

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Even with timeouts and commercials the actual playing time is still 60 minutes long.. The clock stops for commercials and anything else that delays the game.......

  • 8 years ago

    At least it's not baseball where the ball is live a lot but the game is boring.

    I don't know if the 11 minutes is true or not but whatever. In the end, offenses get lots of yard, points are scored on the board, and the games are usually entertaining. What more could we ask for?

    More ball action will probably mean more injuries and fatigue to players. I would like less commercials but I think the games are fine the way they are.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    to watch this sport yes because it gets really boring after that

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