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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicRock and Pop · 8 years ago

what are some inflammatory statements about music?

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Inflammatory statements? I've always found these to inflame, from personal experience. Can't help it, I stick by my convictions:

    "Stairway to Heaven" is one of the worst songs ever.

    Queen is campy and bombastic.

    There is no such thing as a hipster.

    There really is such a thing as taste.

    The Beatles were okay, but their fans are thick and ordinary.

    Radiohead went downhill after Pablo Honey.

    Billy Joel is cringeworthy most of the time.

    Brian Jonestown Massacre was the most important band of the 1990's.

    2007-2013 has been one of the best eras ever for rock music

    80% of the best albums of the last 30 years were released on indie labels

    The Sex Pistols were excellent musicians.

    Vinyl really doesn't sound better than digital.

    The 70's had just as much utter, barf inducing crapola on the charts as the 10's do.

    Punk pop was actually a good genre until the mid 80's or so.

    Sting is a pompous a ss.

    Rush was barely good for two decent songs per album, if that.

    Jimmy Page has done nothing musical in over 30 years, if not longer.

    The Fugs, Captain Beefheart, and Pere Ubu should be in the Rock and Roll Hall of fame, and 75% of its members kicked out.

    Australia has produced more good rock groups than anywhere else in the last few years.

    Dubstep has its moments.

    Synthesizers are not evil.

    Bob Dylan has a wonderful voice (or at least, had)

    Journey is utter corporate schlock.

    You don't have to be stoned to listen to the Grateful Dead.

    All Time Low fans constantly need to be told what to listen to.

    The best rock of the 21st century will come largely from non-English speaking countries.

    There is absolutely no legitimate use for a keytar.

    You either tolerate Morrissey or you don't.

    The entire Britpop movement of the 90's was a snooze.

    Classic rock radio is the most boring radio format of all.

    There's nothing wrong with tagging subgenres into your mp3 collection if you want to.

    No concert ticket is ever worth more than 20 bucks, no matter who it is.

    Rock music receives just as much studio processing as pop music does.

    Generation Y has got to be the laziest generation ever when it comes to finding music.

    80% of all music listeners cease expanding their musical horizons by their mid-30's, and stick to the same stuff forever more.

    It's hard to see why a male would listen to Bon Jovi.

    Guns 'n' Roses was pure junk.

    Shoegaze produced more good albums in the 90's than any other subgenre.

    The Who's best work was pre-Tommy.

    Michael Jackson was a marionette.

    Jim Morrison did more to give poetry a bad name than any other figure in the 20th century.

    Post-grunge is just as crass and phony as the shiniest pop star.

    Grunge wasn't all that hot either, when you get right down to it.

    Jimi Hendrix deserves his legend.

    The Velvet Underground has influenced more groups than the Beatles.

    Enya is for timid NPR listeners looking for some "culture"

    The best hip hop is as compelling, intelligent, sonically pleasing as the best rock.

    People need to get out of musical ruts more often.

    There's no such thing as a "greatest" anything.

    Ozzy Osbourne, lovable though he is, really did have a trashy solo career.

    Woodstock really is a pretty boring movie.

    The Last Waltz revealed The Band to be absolute morons as much as gifted musicians.

    Sometimes you really can tell what somebody's like by what they listen to.

    Technology always adds to music's overall palette, and is thus a positive thing.

    All decades are of roughly equal value, musically.

    Japanese noise rock is the best in the world.

    All but a dozen or so famous musical names of the 1960's won't be remembered by the general public by the 2060's.

    R.E.M. pretty much deteriorated album by album ever since "Document"

    Nick Cave should have been more well-known.

    Spontaneity beats technique in rock music.

    Bands with logos have a 240% greater chance of sucking than bands without.

  • 5 years ago

    i like track... and Im down with maximum genres, because of the fact in rather much each type i will discover, a minimum of, one track that i like... yet i assume i do have some debatable perspectives on the priority one element is i've got faith that any one who wont supply different styles of track a guess (or maybe the underground version of their very own track variety of decision) is extremely closed minded and can attempt to widen their attitude yet another element is i've got faith that very a lot of "mainstream" artists are being exploited by using the main firms that fund them. i've got faith that they are quite constrained on the priority count that they might use in they're songs. And in situations at the same time with rap are very in all likelihood compelled to maintain making songs approximately ingesting and automobiles and garments and money (in underground hip hop this concern count is extremely uncommon). i've got faith that it fairly is because of the fact "they" (significant firms) choose to cut back the suggestions of the plenty and subconsciously save human beings questioning of issues that don't easily count.... And track is the final way of doing this because of the fact i've got faith that track is the language of the soul, and if the soul deceived then so is the suggestions and physique...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    That's guy's answer is good but . . . GNR ARE pure junk, there is no "better" or "best" period or decade for music, AND sometimes synths, effects, good production, things like that are good for an album. Oh, and I don't think dubstep would be horrible if the people that made it were a little more . . . "inspired". The genre is driven by one sound, the bass, and it sounds the exact same for almost every song. That's not good. I guess I'm saying the genre needs to be more diverse.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Nickelback is better than Nirvana (I actually adhere to this perspective)

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