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Lv 4
Nooo asked in Social SciencePsychology · 8 years ago

Why am I still so angry about something that happened in 1st grade?

I'm not crazy... maybe I am... but I'm not trolling here, I legitimately want to kill this motherf**ker.

Anyways, have you ever just been sitting around, thinking about when you were a small child and then suddenly memories, as clear as day, pop out at you?

You just remember every single small detail about these odd memories?

Yes, well, earlier today, I was thinking about when I was in 1st grade (I'm in 9th grade now, this was back when I was about 6 or 7 I think) and I suddenly remembered the time when I went to this school for a few weeks, apparently only rich hippies sent their kids there (i.e why I only stayed there for a few weeks, focking school fees, huh?), and there was this one blonde kid I knew.

Her name was Ally or Abby, I can't remember much else, but one day, at recess, we were just casually playing in the sandpit, and then, for no focking reason at all, the motherf**king little b*tch a$$ piece of dog sh*t little whore throws a whole hunk of sand in my eye for no reason.

Being the relatively strong little misfit I was back then, I would've beaten the living daylights out of her, but I was in too much pain, I was screaming and crying too much to react, I could nothing but give her a pleading look, asking "WHY?! WHY!? WHAT DID I DO TO YOU!?!!? WHY, OH GOD PLEASE WHY!?", I still sometimes sit wondering why she did that, it remains an enigma to me and has for the past 7-8 years.

She merely gave me an extremely empty emotionless glare after she did it, like one of those focking creepy dolls, she just glared at me

As I was crying and screaming




I want to brutally bash the sh*t out of her, I'd take much joy in doing so.

I want to lock her in a tin shed on an extremely hot day with a stereo blasting Dead Skin Mask by Slayer repeatedly, whilst I throw lots and lots of sand at her, until she is screaming, I want to stick a hot poker up her a**hole covered in sand, I want her to faint from the pain.

Ally, if you are reading this.

Go f**king die, you b*tch, I'm pretty sure you're half the reason I can barely see 20 centimetres in front of me without my glasses, who the f*ck chucks sand in someone's eye?!

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are holding a grudge. Dont listent o those pricks who tell you "let god in your life" lol or "forgive and forget" it pisseed you off, thats why. Maybe that fuc* has a good lif now and acts like he is a perfect little angle. That crap bothers me too

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Does he have homework in the 1st grade? If he does, then i'd make him do his homework after college. rather of taking his xbox for each week, you are able to do away along with his xbox till he does his homework rather. as an occasion, tell him that he can circulate and play after he does his homework. Now the irritating section is to alter his habit. the answer to that's some thing which you will no longer discover an answer here. it quite is my advice that would or won't help: i'd first initiate on the fundamentals and function a communique with him. tell him what recognize and duty potential. tell him what going to college potential. tell him this in extremely straightforward words. for the reason that consequences are no longer working, i'd attempt to put in place rewards for his reliable habit. whenever you spot him do some thing reliable, advantages him- this does not recommend which you supply him an merchandise, yet this would recommend giving verbal compliment. infants who're properly-behaved opt to correctly behaved through fact it rewards him in some way. on the comparable token, infants who misbehave are rewarded in some way. Is he getting adequate interest at domicile? I understand which you're quite busy with your 8 month and a pair of year previous infants, yet i'd set up it slow to circulate out and spend some on my own time. study to him. Play with him and basically him during your one on one time. And has he long previous to kindergarten? i understand some infants have not. it quite is nice, in spite of the incontrovertible fact that it quite is annoying for him to transition to an all day ecosystem in first grade. look during the worldwide by using your son's eyes.

  • 8 years ago

    Wow. It's like I can look into the future, and see you screaming in rage, working at Wal-Mart, alone and miserable, for 50 years.

    Seriously. Get over it. I can't imagine someone holding a grudge for over a decade doing anything else in life.

  • Julia
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    funny how you seem to have the delusion that you are some sort of "god" yet you can't deal with your anger at all.

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