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Rat Question (Pets At Home)?

Okay so today i went to Pets At Home with my friend and we went to look at the small animals.Now i'm a big fan of rats so of course i went straight up to the rat enclosures. I already don't agree with the size of the tanks Pets At Home uses and i know rats shouldn't be kept in tank anyway, so i always go up to check on how they are doing. Now at Pets At Home, the fancy rats and the dumbo rats are housed separately. So today when we went in, we noticed that there was only one dumbo rat in its enclosure, and one fancy rat. I know Rats are animals that like to be kept in pairs or more and i really felt sorry for them. But i was wondering, if you were to go into pets at home with the intentions of buying a rat, what would you do? Would it be better to just buy the one dumbo rat and leave it to live on its own? Or would it be better to buy both the dumbo and the fancy and house them together? Or maybe buy the dumbo then introduce another dumbo later on, same with the fancy. So what would be best for the rats and what would you do in this situation???? thanks in advance :) <3

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I wouldn't be able to leave either of them there, knowing that pet shop employees tend to be utter fools and would probably sell them separately or as snake food.

    Dumbo and Fancy rats are the same species, just with a few cosmetic differences. They can be housed together with no issue - they're just separated in the store because pet stores are notorious for jacking up the price on the more "exotic" looking animals (like the dumbo rats... or hairless or rex for that matter.)

    Tanks are not suitable, no, but neither are the "enclosures" that Petsmart or Petco use. Very little ventilation. Which is why many pet store animals have URIs. Something to consider when looking at pet store animals.

    It would be nice if the store got smart and just put them together and sold them together - discounted the price, maybe, to ensure they went as a pair. But they wont because they's too $$ crazy.

    Source(s): Pet Owner
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Get them both if you think you can give them a better home - I had two dumbos and one top eared rat in together, they were absolutely fine. If it's possible for you to get two separate living areas for them to start with so they can be introduced properly though, that's always advisable.

    Saying that, we once had a female rat on her own. She lived a healthy 3 years, although eventually got a tumor. The main problem with this is the socialization - rats are intelligent and need to be stimulated and have company. We gave her all the attention we could, as soon as me or my sister was home from school or work we would have her out for most of the evening, and we'd make time for her in the morning as well. There was always someone home, so if nothing else, there was usually someone in the room with her, even if she wasn't out. She was very sweet, but most people can't dedicate that amount of time to an animal because they have other commitments or live alone.

    I totally agree with what you're saying about Pets at Home though, I don't understand why there isn't rules in place to allow each animal bigger areas and proper cages.

    Don't get a smaller cage as 'punishment,' rats fighting is natural - a dominance thing, and it'll be extremely hard to know which rat started the fight and therefore which one to punish. Unless they cause each other harm, it's nothing to worry about. If you do notice one of them with some cuts or anything though, separate them as rats will occasionally kill each other in dominance wars if neither backs down. It might be handy to have a smaller cage for when you clean them out if you can't let them free in a room though!

    Source(s): Have owned a total of 11 rats.
  • 8 years ago

    Well, I have 2 fancy & a dumbo. Two I got at the same time and my other fancy I got after...

    They all love each other & cuddle up at a constant.

    I would definitely buy at least 2 at once.

    It's much easier for a rat to become depressed when they are alone. (:

    Source(s): Current owner of 3
  • 8 years ago

    I agree with the size of the tanks because they are tiny because I went to look at hamsters and there were like 10 hamsters in one tank. Anyway I think you should properly take both rats and leave the other one or ask the pet shop which rat is coping better if they are equal I would take them both or if they are coping well I would leave them for a couple of months or so. But If ones struggling I would take it but I would feel sorry for the other one so I would have to take them both! If you are planing on getting two rats you should properly get a less expensive cage in case the both fight so one of them could go in that one as a punishment and then bring them back together and ope for the best they won't fight but if they do I wold get a proper cage and let the other rat go in there.

    Hope this helps which it properly won't because my answers are rubbish :-(

    Anyway hope the rats are coping :-)

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    both of those rats need companions.

    and they are the same species of animal, so the Dumbo and the Standard rat would be absolutely fine together. both of my groups contain one dumbo and 2 or 3 top eared rats.

    in fact, some litters even have a mix of Dumbo and Top eared rats. it's not a breed or a species or anything like that. it's a cosmetic difference, with no more bearing on their care or social needs than their coat colour

  • 8 years ago

    Pet stores keep them in tanks so no one can stick their fingers in the cage and get bit. It also lessons the chances of a rat escaping into the pet shop. When they get another shipment of rats they will probably throw the new rats in the cage with the one that's a lone. Its a pet shop, they have methods they do because usually people buy their pets. Pet shops usually sell rats for snake food. Most pet shops are not really concerned about their pets in general.

    Source(s): rat owner/lover
  • 8 years ago

    While you feel bad for them, buying them only increases the need to bring in more rats, then you're sending the wrong message to pet stores that mass breed. I know it's difficult to stand by when it seems like you can help, but the longer they sit there, the less rats the pet store will "order" next time, which decreases how much they will breed. If no one would buy pets from pet stores, they wouldn't have them there.

    I only do adoptions, personally.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Heyy (:

    I would buy both since they might already know eachothers and so the socializing part will be easier (:

    It would also be less of a trouble finding another partner for the rat you will buy.

    I hope you could buy them (: They are great pets ! :D

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Yep!! Deffo! I LOVE rats! I've had loads coz they make amazing pets! My kids love 'em too! They're fairly easy to look after, loyal, inteligent and make fab pets!!

  • 8 years ago

    well I think its better when you buy more than one rat already because when you buy one rat and then buy a second one later then they will fight.

    I have two rats that are female (I didn't wanted a male and a female or two males because I don't want to have baby rats and I don't want to stink more, male rats pee more than female to mark territory)

    When you have one rat then it would me sad I rat needs a friend to play with, sleep with and for other things ;)

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