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Lharvey asked in Science & MathematicsPhysics · 8 years ago

Have I figured out how the universe works?

OK, let me preface that I am a bit beyond blitzd (that means drunk) at the moment, so bear with me, but a realization came to me in this "liberated" state of mind:

I may have seen a connection between matter, energy, mass, and time.... all aspects that make the Universe act the way it is. Maybe this is already established, but then I wouldnt be aware of it if it was. So here goes:

Matter is merely concentrated bundles of energy- each proton/neutron/etc are compact bundles of immense energy, equal to E=MC^2. This massive amount of energy is encapsulated in these subatomic quanta of this thing that we call "matter". This matter, in its encapsulated form, has the 4 forces of nature (Gravity, Electromagnetism, Strong, and Weak Nuclear forces), but these four forces are only present because of the encapsulated nature of the energy locked into its semi permanent form. Its not the energy that makes these forces, its the framework of how they were locked in place that causes them to be.

The Big Revalation of matter and the forces of the universe is; The Universe cannont tolerate such an imbalance of energy held and persistant in such confined and concentrated forms... so there are consequences... checks and balances, that works to mitigate these energy imbalances (the energy present within a proton, compared to the empty space/time around it)- to"break even" in a sort of energy over space sort of manner.

Thus, we have Mass. Mass is a way to "zero out" the average energy density of the space time continuum, as that is the lowest energy.. "default" state that the space time needs to be! Its like the universe was some disgruntled banker, saying "Fine!! you can KEEP all that energy, but there is a COST to keeping it HERE!". And that cost is Mass.

Mass is a form of "IOU" of energy disbalance. The more massive a given amout of atoms there is, is simply a measure of the amount of energy locked away there. A ball of 11-tey gazillion Lead atoms has more mass than the same 11-tey gazillion Aluminum atoms, simply because each Lead atoms has more Neutrons and Protons (bundles of raw energy) than the aluminum atoms do. Thus Lead is " more massive" and behaves differently in the physical world. Its all because of the measure of bottled energy, as I have said above, but more detailed-ly explained now.

How Mass is an "IOU" of matter is in the energy it takes to move it. Or divert its course. It costs more, doesnt it?! A resting mass of matter has a rather large amount of IOU built up as mass... for that lead ballbearing to remain resting motionless in space- the mass of it is the "negative" energy IOU surrounding it, and infusing it. It exists... but if you want to move it, you have to PAY.. in energy! When you spend enough energy to overcome the mass IOU, you finally get to move the lead ball. Int THIS particular, non intuitive (only see-able when the room is spinning, frankly) sort of way, the energy held in that lead ball is countered by the mass that it exibits in space-time. Adding energy to the ball to move it wont do a thing because of all the negative mass-iou you have to pay FIRST shows how the concentrated levels of energy are negated by its inability to move freely. Matter has its Price, and that is Mass.

Finally we get to Time. We were talking about energy being the counter pole to mass, and energy needing to move that matter by overcoming the mass... Movement is meaningless without a measurement of Time (if time didnt exist, movement over a measure of not time could either take zero time, or infinite time to travel- and the motion would seem the same). What mass didnt collect in the disproportionate concentration of energy, Time calls the rest the bill. That lead ball sitting at rest is ticking away at a certain rate of time. and any motion put into it will cost it a bit slower ticks in time, as a consequence of its mere motion. Try to move it fast enough, and the mass will get even higher (the energy of the matter itself, PLUS the energy YOU added to it by overcoming its mass IOU and moving it faster!)

And what do you get when you factor in the IOU of Mass to move that lead ball, and the energy you added to move that lead ball at the speed of light? Well, you have overcome the mass restrictions of the lead ball, as well as the self reinforcing feedback of accelerating it to lightspeed, with all of ITs mass added IOU.. so what is the total of energy expended to move that ball through space-time?

Well, I never went to high end physics, so dont have the math, but my drunken epiphany leads me to think that the energy spent to move that bundle of energy(matter) to lightspeed, is E=MC^2 of the energy in the matter being moved!! in THIS way, the Universe "breaks even" on energy levels- because while the enrgy of matter is allowed to exist, there is still the Price to get it to DO anything!

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're basically right, imho.

    Energy coalesces as mass, in forms of matter.

    The "zero point" field has much potential energy.

    Your E, M, & C realization = "cause and effect, sowing and reaping."

    So, what are you going to do?

    Sources: SuperFreakonomics, Levitt

    The Self-Aware Universe, Goswami

    The Mindful Universe, Stapp

    The Path of the Higher Self, Prophet

    God at the Speed of Light, Baumann

    Hyperspace, Kaku

    The Great Divorce, Lewis

    Light Is a Living Spirit, Aivanhov

  • 8 years ago

    Maybe we should nominate you for the Nobel Physics Prize.

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