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jdman13 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Why is the first democrat budget put forth in four years completly dishonest?

After being held to task, Patty Murrays' staff concede that the 1.8 trillion in deficit reduction is dishonest and only amounts to about 300 billion over ten years. Do democrats really have this hard of a time being honest? With over a trillion in new revenue and only 300 billion in deficit reduction, which is decreases to future increases, what does this tell you about democrats plans on spending? It tells me they want more and more spending. What happened to the "balanced" approach of revenue and spending cuts? All the democrats want is more revenue AND more spending, am I wrong?

This is for sure a right wing site, but if you don't believe me, watch the video.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    obama and the dem's been lying for 4 years what makes think they are going to change

  • 8 years ago

    When we talk about cutting future increases, we aren't talking about Democrats arbitrarily saying "we were gonna spend more on that, but now we won't", we're talking about baby boomers inevitably retiring and being on medicare, social security, etc, and taking measures to minimize the impact that has on the younger taxpayer.

    Deficit reduction means reducing the deficit. As long as we are reducing the deficit -- which we are, by the way -- we're paying less and less interest, which is really the only problem with debt in the first place. Even Boehner admitted we don't actually have an immediate debt crisis.

  • 8 years ago

    Good call. It's all bee ess for public consumption. The average citizen has no concept of 'a reduction of an increase is not a cut'. This 'cut' lie has been spouted for so long, that (brain dead masses) everybody believes it is a cut. Keep the faith. The truth will hopefully prevail.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'll take the Democrats budget. I think you're lying

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  • 8 years ago

    You are too cerebral to be here. In fact, so am I.

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