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what If we travel at the speed of light ?

i actually want to ask that

Is it possible for the spaceship travelling at such a high speed to reach its destination without crashing in to a planet satellite or meteor before it is reached its destination? if yes how would it navigate among trillions of stars and planets ?will it be possible for the object to change its course at its will as its not an object anymore its been changed to energy? will it come back to its original form at the end of its journey (as mass has been converted to energy during the journey acc. to E=MC2 ) or is it possible to convert energy in to mass?

These are few questions arising in my mind please give logical explanations to each question, answers supported by law, principle and equations will be highly appreciated........!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "What If we travel at the speed of light ?"

    We would be dead upon arrival, and the entire Universe would have been consumed as fuel. No place left to arrive at.

    "Is it possible for the spaceship travelling at such a high speed to reach its destination without crashing in to a planet satellite or meteor before it is reached its destination?"

    Even "solar wind" and interstellar and intergalactic gases would hit us so hard it would be instantly fatal.

    "if yes how would it navigate among trillions of stars and planets ?"

    Move some distance, adjust, repeat to destination.

    "will it be possible for the object to change its course at its will as its not an object anymore its been changed to energy?"

    We know this cannot happen. We can accelerate electrons to 0.9999999c, and they are still electrons. We just cannot get anything with mass to c.

    "will it come back to its original form at the end of its journey (as mass has been converted to energy during the journey acc. to E=MC2 ) or is it possible to convert energy in to mass?"

    None of this is possible, for living or non-living matter.

    E^2 = (pc)^2 + (mc^2)^2

    where p is relativistic momentum:

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Question 1. Once in a while a formula one race car has crashed because it ran into a airborn nut or bolt, or even a flying sheet of newspaer that was sucked into the carb. Now, 200 miles an hour is a snail's pace compared to near the speed of light! What will happen if you run into some atoms in a nebula? It will be like hitting a brick wall!

    #2. Once you're converted to energy, there is no way you can be converted back even if you can brake. All the king's horses and men couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again. (entropy)

  • 8 years ago

    No matter can travel at light speed. Only forms of energy can travel at or beyond light speed. Energy has always existed, for it can neither be destroyed nor be created. Matter is created, that is converted, from energy. Thus, matter can be converted back into energy. It is only in the state of energy that anything can travel as fast or faster than light. The way this is possible within the universe is for the matter of anything to be converted into all of its energy and sent through a connected open wormhole from one end to another end (similar to a wired telephone, which has two receivers with telephone lines and cables in between them). The receivers or converters would have to be at both ends to convert the matter into energy and the energy back into its original matter. The wormhole would facilitate the speedy transference, which would take place beyond observable 3 dimensional space (like a subway system) out of danger of collisions or the challenge of navigating.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    You counsel substitute into incorrect approximately all capability having mass. Radiation, or easy waves comprise no mass. some people argue that it has an 'helpful mass' given via the countless E=hf (engery=plank's consistent cases the frequency), yet it relatively continues to be debated. Reguardless, easy has no mass, and that's the reason it could commute @ the cost of sunshine c. you're ultimate approximately accelerating a partlice in direction of the cost of sunshine could require limitless quantity of capability. once you're relatively intrested look @ Lorentz adjustments, and you will see the particularly ordinary why something with mass can no longer attain the cost of sunshine.

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  • 8 years ago

    Length contraction

    In physics, length contraction – according to Hendrik Lorentz – is the physical phenomenon of a decrease in length detected by an observer of objects that travel at any non-zero velocity relative to that observer. This contraction (more formally called Lorentz contraction or Lorentz–FitzGerald contraction) is usually only noticeable at a substantial fraction of the speed of light; the contraction is only in the direction parallel to the direction in which the observed body is travelling. This effect is negligible at everyday speeds, and can be ignored for all regular purposes. Only at greater speeds does it become important. At a speed of 13,400,000 m/s (30 million mph, 0.0447c), the length is 99.9% of the length at rest; at a speed of 42,300,000 m/s (95 million mph, 0.141c), the length is still 99%. As the magnitude of the velocity approaches the speed of light, the effect becomes dominant, as can be seen from the formula:


    is the proper length (the length of the object in its rest frame), is the length observed by an observer in relative motion with respect to the object, is the relative velocity between the observer and the moving object, is the speed of light,

    and the Lorentz factor is defined as


    In this equation it is assumed that the object is parallel with its line of movement. For the observer in relative movement, the length of the object is measured by subtracting the simultaneously measured distances of both ends of the object. For more general conversions, see the Lorentz transformations. An observer at rest viewing an object travelling very close to the speed of light would observe the length of the object in the direction of motion as very near zero.

    Source(s): WIKI
  • 8 years ago

    Hello my friend how are you ?

    You here about teleprotetion we saw in matrix movie. thats is the only way to human to go to another stars. In this 21 century i have only hope is that.

    your all quastions are rational. Yes is the answer for y r all Qs.

    1.Today NASA observing all the rocks comets astroid that will threten to our existance tommorrow we can make a current acurate universe map like google map.

    2.How is the bing bang radiation travelling through universe thats how we need to discover suitable medium.

    3.Thats improper Qs ! if we travel speed of light it means be in there at the movement. The object will directly propostional to the existance of universe.

    4.Teleprotetion is the proces to transport entaire mass to another point. If our destination is capable with the same system we start our travel then it is possible to retain its original position in its origin.

    Its easy to put your self in out of your reality now, and hang with the existance of universe to your self. And you started to think from there not from your reality now. because you think like that it will make sense to your brain, otherwise this all will confusion.

    Example: All the physical laws explaining the existance of universe. laws will stand in there to prove the existance you can not come out from it. what is you talking about time travel you need to get out from existance. Because your Qs breaking the reality nobody can answer from reality from your Qs.

    Source(s): Physics
  • 8 years ago

    The theory of relativity may help you to understand better.

    Travelling at speed of light will be almost impossible, as mass energy concepts are different at that speed !p

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Read Isaac Asimov's " Impossible That's All" Or a book called " Readable Relativity"

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It would navigate via complex jet propulsion systems. Mass is energy. Everything except a negative vacuum IS energy. It can't turn into energy. E=mc^2 implies so.

  • 8 years ago

    Probably our mass would increase and size will decrease..

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