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jdman13 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Exactly which countries have said they will arrest Bush if he steps foot there?

I keep hearing the left say Bush is afraid to travel outside the US because several countries have called for his arrest. Yet, all I can find is that amnesty international seems to be the only motivation behind this.

“The difference is that Bush has not been indicted anywhere--unlike most of the officers wanted in the human rights cases. Until that happens, I don't think this will change Bush's ability to travel.”

I can't seem to find a list of ANY countries calling for Bush's arrest, I can't even find one. And, Bush has traveled outside the US several times since he left the White House.

The real fact seems to be that Bush can travel anywhere he wants and not fear an arrest, would this not be a true statement. If you say false, what country has said different?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The people saying this are all young. They were teens, and pre-teens under Bush. You should ask the Dems on here their age, and see who you are dealing with.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Well if Dubya can't travel overseas without fear of incarceration, the same should hold true for Hussein obama, whom continued his war that was deemed illegal by these countries, and also all of Congress except for Kucinich and Ron Paul, for giving Dubya authority to do as he pleases.

    The left will say they only voted for it because of false intelligence. Yea, does a doctor get off the hook if he amputates the left leg of a patient because a colleague tells him the left leg is infected, but it's really his right leg. No, the doctor, as well as the colleague who gave him the said briefing, need to have their licenses revoked and serve time!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Liberals think Bush fought illegal wars. ILLEGAL wars! ILLEGAL, as if U.S. Presidents usually consult attorney's and file lawsuits against our nations foes.

    Its ridiculous and its indicative of what so many leftwing whackos suffer from: Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    Its why to this day, 5 years into the Filthy Footed Kenyans disastrous regime, they still blame Bush!

    Liberals are both comical and infantile. They have unusually low IQ's, they are unreasonable and they cannot be trusted.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Just another lie by the left to demonize Bush.

  • 8 years ago

    Switzerland for torture.

    Not sure about others.

    Switzerland is more "liberal" then we are, I assume they dislike Bush avoiding the Geneva Conventions...

    @Larry - Seriously?... how old are you? liberals aren't the plague... they're just americans with different political views with you...

    Freaking immaturity no matter where you look.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    He should avoid most all European countries, at least Western Europe.

    He is probably OK in China, Mongolia, and the Maldives.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    He was found guilty of war crimes by an international tribunal in Malaysia.

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