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? asked in HealthMental Health · 8 years ago

How to get rid of severe depression?

I am beyond depressed 24/7 to the point where im in actual pain. My mom doesnt help because she always yells at me and shes so strict and whenever i try to talk to her about anything we end up arguing. My boyfriend and i have been together for almost 2 years. We arent able to see eachother or talk, but we do anyway, without my parents knowing. And i know for a fact he's brought a lot of things on in my life. A lot of people dont want us to be together (His horrifyingly ugly ex and her wh*re best friend) and have tried breaking us up and making rumors about things and lying to me about things he's done. It breaks my heart thinking about it and I just want to die. I know none of it is true, but just thinking about it. I dont have a social life anymore and really no friends because i cant trust anyone. I have bad self esteem also. I could go on all day, but i really need to find a way to get rid of this without medication, because my mom wont pay for it. Therapy doesnt help me either. I need to get rid of this because its starting to consume me. I cry myself to sleep every night, but i try to hold it in. I dont know whats gotten into me, but it needs to be gone.

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    You really need to talk to somebody about what you are feeling and what you are going through. You shouldn't have to suffer in silence and there is a lot of help out there for you and you just have use the help as well need help once in a while. I used to suffer from depression and the best medicine which is free, natural and healthy for you is to talk to somebody about it and get the help you need.

    Counsellors are a lot of help as they understand what you are going through, they listen without interrupting, they will give you good advice, they will comfort you, be there for you and above off all you can say anything you want without being judged. This is the first step of recovery and you will see once you start talking about your feelings and emotions you will start to feel free and a lot better, and keeping things bottled inside is no good and you will explode. Talk to your boyfriend about it too and he should help as you love each other and you have been together for a long time.

    You need to take care of yourself and your body. Eat well (fresh fruits and vegetables) and drinks lots of water, and a healthy body is also a healthy soul & mind. Don't listen to the jealous haters as his ex and the other girls are jealous that they can't have him and he is with you. If you break up with him or you distant yourself they would have won and that is what they want. He loves you and wants to be with you and you just need to remind yourself of that. You need to start trusting people more, and let people in your life who like you and who are going to treat you right, and having friends will help, and you also need to realise that not everybody isn't nasty and people are nice.

    You could also do this and this helps a lot as it allows you take a step back and it's very therapeutic. Write down all your negative thoughts & feelings and why you believe you are feeling like this. Analyse the paper and find ways to change for the best. Then once you feel better rip the paper up and watch your negative thoughts float away like a butterfly (: it helps a lot.

    Good luck HUGS XOXO

    Source(s): used to be depressed
  • Lisa
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For the best answers, search on this site

    It's great that you realised it - now you don't need meds but you should go back to a therapist which will get rid of your depression. CBT and everything like that.... I've been getting more and more anxious all the time and my therapist had dismissed me (because I turned 18 and was too old) but I think I need to go and see a new therapist Let's do it together, we'll get through this Bella :) <3 <3 <3 BTW when I was agoraphobic and didn't leave the house for 8 months, the psychiatrist was trying to make me take meds but I didn't, and I got through that, so it is possible to do :) I also got through depression after my sis attempted suicide without meds

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It will have to run its course, but there are ways to lessen your depression. Mainly, you need perspective. Stop thinking about others and start thinking about yourself. As hard as it seems right now, you don't need to be dependent on anyone. Therapists will tell you it helps to force yourself to do things a little bit out of your comfort zone, this is true. If you stop focusing on where you should be and start focusing on getting there, you will find ways to improve. But, most importantly, you need order in your life. Make a schedule and follow it, make yourself cultivate your skills even though you may feel untalented. When you have order in your life you will feel less dependent on others.

    Source(s): Personal experience with MDD and helping a friend with her depression
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