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Is it a sin just to have same-sex attractions?

I know it's a sin to have gay sex, but is it also a sin to have the desires too? FYI am gay, and I can live without ever experiencing love. But if it's sinful to be something I can't help, then I don't know what I'd do.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    as much as I'd like to answer "yes"...

    in fact, it is not a sin to have desires. However, if you act on those desires **even in a very minor way**, then that is sin. Notice these two Bible verses:

    #1 - lust gives birth to sin - it is not itself sin

    #2 - but even a tiny act taken in service to that sinful lust is a serious sin

    An analogy: is it a sin to be angry with someone? The Bible teaches: no:

    but what if you were so angry that you wanted to kill someone? Well - it's not a sin as long as it is only in your head. If you plan the person's murder and then - for example - purchase a gun so that you can kill the person, now you are sinning - because now you are setting up a murder, not just thinking about murder. What if you try to kill the person but fail? Attempted murder! Even though you did not achieve the ultimate goal of your sinful desire, clearly you have sinned by making the attempt. What if you arrange a trap to kill someone but the opportunity to spring that trap never occurs? It's still attempted murder or conspiracy to commit murder- it's still very obviously a sin even if you never actually made the attempt to kill the person (even if you only arranged it so that you could kill the person if the opportunity presented itself but never actually tried to kill the person).

    So: lust itself is not a sin, but ANY action taken in furtherance of that sinful lust is, indeed, a serious sin. It is not a sin to have the desires - but it *is* a sin to act on them - even the act of turning your head to follow someone lustfully with your eyes.

    - Jim,

  • 7 years ago

    Just so you know you're not alone, i struggle with the exact same thing. I believe that God is real and his bible is truth.

    Now to answer your question. I'm being a little bias here of course, but I do not think liking other guys is a sin, but a temptation. The sin come when you act on it. And yes lusting is a form of acting on it. And i know it's a hard thing not to do, and that you are gonna feel alone and just break down and cry about it sometimes asking why God allowed you to be the way you are and then call it a sin if you do anything. Trust me, it sucks. I'm about to be 19 and I'm a virgin waiting until marriage, but the thing is if it's a sin to marry a guy, i might just never get married and have to live a lonely life of celibacy. But God said for every temptation he gives a way out, but he also does so on his time so you never know.

    But anyways back to your question. Being attracted to the same sex not a sin, its a temptation. Having gay sex is a sin. Looking at a guy and imagining what you want to do with him is a sin. But also remember when someone tells you it's a major sin, or the worst sin, the bible teaches all sins are equal, so this one is no bigger or smaller than telling a lie, or murdering someone.

    Good luck and God bless!

    Source(s): Life and the bible!
  • 8 years ago

    I do believe in god and in religion and in all sins, however the only sin I believe to be false is the one of same sex attractions (I'm a straight male but I'm very open minded when it comes to homosexuality). If you're a guy and you like guys then that's part of who you are, you were born like that and there's nothing that can change that. You do what makes you happy. I believe that two people of the same gender having sex is not a sin because nobody is getting hurt, nobody is getting killed, etc. ect. As long you're not doing anything that will affect another person in a negative way then its not a sin, that's my opinion. Go for it and don't worry about it, there's no harm in gay sex

  • Raja
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's not sin but you must not accept. A mind is like a big tree of a common place and thoughts are different spirits which are like birds. Birds sit and go, sing and go, drop shits and go and some build nests and live permanently in the tree. A tree cannot do anything against birds' act but humans can do many things in the matter of spirits. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another they think, you listen and choose or reject. This is not one man's experience. This is something which God wants to tell everyone through one man.

    God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. A human being is not a single spirit. All knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything are different spirits or different invisible elements. Even thoughts are not your own. A human being is just a robot made of different materials (flesh, bones, tissues etc.,) and a toy of the spirits for their games.

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  • 8 years ago

    Of course it's a sin in Christianity, just like straight attractions, those are sin too.

    The whole religion is built on calling everything a sin and everyone a sinner.

  • ChiMom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If you ask 10 people, you may get 10 separate answers.

    I can only give the answer I believe.

    I do not think that anyone has the right to condemn anyone for their sexual orientation.

    Some people are straight. Some are gay. Some are bisexual. Some are a-sexual (do not have sex at all).

    God loves and accepts you for 'who' you are--and what is in your heart. This is my belief.

    It is not sinful to be something or someone that you feel you are in your heart.

    Love is love.

  • 8 years ago

    You can say so . In fact injustice to opposite sex is a sin.

  • 8 years ago

    I was doing some research on the world ending, and one of the articles said one of the minor signs of world ending was the increase for same sex attraction. (this is a muslim belief btw)

    Im christian, and i support gays (Y)

  • 8 years ago

    Don't ruin your life believing in a fairy tale. Even in the slight chance that he's real, why worship a guy that basically thinks you're evil for being you? He's a genocidal monster.

  • 8 years ago

    no its not sinful to be tempted

    a person is tempted to take a drink of alcohol

    the sin comes in actually doing the temptation

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