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Lv 6

What do you call a person who wants the whole world involved around them?

I know this person and he is driving me insane. Not only he always has to be right, but he wants the whole world involved around him. Like for instance, he wants everyone to just drop everything and do exactly what he wants. He wants others to take care of him just because he can't get around anymore. He depends on others to take care of him and to be put up with his ruthless nature. In the hospital, just because he is a veteran, he expect to be treated better than others. He wants others to treat him like he's special or something. Which he isn't. He's too good. He doesn't want to be treated like an inferior. He doesn't like to be last. Last to know something. He's demanding to be the first of all causes. He is superior. But, he's something else. I just can't put my finger on it. So, what do you call that type of a person? A person who is too good. A person who wants to be treated better than others. A person who craves not only attention, but always expects others to be there for him and to take care for him and to be put up with his crap.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    conceited, narcissistic, stuck up, arrogant

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Self Centred

    Source(s): Recognized the type of person
  • 8 years ago

    Brian Hennigan

  • 8 years ago

    Egocentric with a superiority complex.

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