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Is there anyone out there? ASD?

Im 21, I am Asperges and live in the south east of the UK. There's no club's for young people with ASD, the only club for ASD is with people over 40. I feel so alone though I have an amazing boyfriend its just that tiny ASD part he don't get and it be nice to meet young people with it so they understand how panic attack and dealing with it at a young age.

Is there anyone out my age with it?

1 Answer

  • Jonah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You might enjoy autscape.

    I am 24 and in the US diagnosed with Asperger's. I used to be involved with GRASP. Since all of my family is also diagnosed on the autistic spectrum though, I don't often feel like I'm alone with it.

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