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Craig C asked in TravelItalyOther - Italy · 8 years ago

Multi-city holidays to Italy?

Hi, I am currently planning a multi-city trip to Italy. I plan to visit Rome, Pisa, Milan and Venice for 2 days each as I'm to understand these are the 'touristy' cities. I plan to fly from the UK to Rome, then catch the train from Rome-Pisa-Milan-Venice then catch a flight back to the UK on the last day.

Are these the cities that I should be visiting, or do you recommend any others in place of them? Also, how efficient are the trains in Italy? Finally, for an 8 day trip how much cash do you recommend taking?

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honestly only to visit Rome will take 2 weeks. Trying to visit all those cities in 8 days will make you see just airports and trein stations. I don't think it is worth.

    Choose one of the cities and see that one. You can see the rest in another moment.

    If this is your first time to Italy, definitely choose Rome.

    Here are some webpages from which you can choose what to see of this city in just 8 days:

    Regarding treins they are not very efficient, except on some lines such as Rome -Milan.

    Regarding cash, I wouldn't bring anything. There are many ATMs anywhere you go and it is not safe to bring too much cash.

    On what are the "touristy" cities in Italy here is a non exhaustive list:

    Rome, Naples, Turin, Florence, Pisa, Siena, Cinque Terre, Milan, Bergamo, Mantova, Como, Trieste, Verona, Venezia, Ferrara, Ravenna, Bologna, Rimini, Urbino, Lecce, Reggio Calabria, Siracusa, Palermo and many more...

    Source(s): I'm Italian
  • Orla C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Pisa is not worth more than a day visit. Rome is worth a week or more. Milan I have never been to, but Venice is easily worth 5 days.

    The trains in Italy are great - as long as there are not strikes on. I would suggest Florence also, but with only 8 days, I think you should just pick two places and leave it at that.

  • glasow
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Multi City Holidays

  • 8 years ago

    For an 8 day trip, I wouldn't try to go to as many places. You'd be better off going Rome to Florence to Venice. There's less travel time involved and therefore more time for sightseeing. You could take three days in Rome, three in Florence and two in Venice and cover quite a bit of ground. One of the days in Florence could be used for a trip to see both Pisa and Lucca by train. You can find train schedules and prices at: . Trains are a good way to get around, but there can sometimes be delays.

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  • John
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Two days for a first visit to Rome just isn't enough. You could skip Pisa and you could skip Milan, too - they are perfectly fine places, yes. Roughly, like Conley, Rome-Florence-Venice or vice-versa. Fly in one end and fly out the other.

  • bybee
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    I stay in London its particularly busy an sounds like crap while strolling theres a million human beings on the comparable street an i'd say deifinetly pass manhattan if its no longer busy or pass l. a. & Chicago uncertain

  • Snow
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Hi, I'm Italian.

    I recommend to visit Verona, It's a very beautiful city, you can go to visit Piazza Erbe, Giulietta's house, Scaligeri's castle and Verona's Arena. You can see them all in one day.

    Sorry for my bad english :)

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