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How to make magnetic bracelets?

I tried to google it but I can't find the exact kind of bracelet I want to make. The whole thing is not magnetic, the only piece that is magnetic is to wrap around your arm, the rest is beads. If someone could please give me instructions or show me a link of how to make them. I have two pictures.

1 Answer

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't tell about the first one, but the second picture is of a memory wire bracelet. To make this type of bracelet you need:

    Memory wire in the size of your wrist, probably "medium" bracelet

    Memory wire cutters (memory wire will ruin regular jewelry wire cutters)

    Round nose pliers


    Cut the wire about three full circles from one end. Using the round nose pliers, make a loop in one end of the piece of memory wire you just cut. String beads on the wire until you have about one-half inch of wire left. Use the round nose pliers to make a loop with the wire that is left. Your bracelet is ready to wear.

    Source(s): I've made dozens of these.
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